Cagri Gokdemir

Tongji University | Postdocatoral researcher

Subject Areas: Ecohydrology, Hydrology, Numerical modeling

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The combined effect of stream morphology, water discharge and heterogeneity of the hydraulic conductivity of stream-bed sediments on hyporheic exchange processes was aimed to be revealed. Hyporheic flow dynamics and their effects on dissolved oxygen were investigated in an heterogeneous and morphologically complex low-gradient sub-reach of River Bure, UK. The work was applied by combining field measurements with detailed numerical simulations. The data provided in this contribution contains: (1) Field data; Stream Water Discharge, stream velocity, floodplain water table, stratigrafic data for the sediment, and topographic data with surface and subsurface water dissolved oxygen concentrations, (2) Some part of Model data; particle set data from simulations, imposed water surface elevation boundaries for subsurface model, and supportive codes for data visualization and analysis (see details on README file).

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The combined effect of stream morphology, water discharge and heterogeneity of the hydraulic conductivity of stream-bed sediments on hyporheic exchange processes was aimed to be revealed. Hyporheic flow dynamics and their effects on dissolved oxygen were investigated in an heterogeneous and morphologically complex low-gradient sub-reach of River Bure, UK. The work was applied by combining field measurements with detailed numerical simulations. The data provided in this contribution contains: (1) Field data; Stream Water Discharge, stream velocity, floodplain water table, stratigrafic data for the sediment, and topographic data with surface and subsurface water dissolved oxygen concentrations, (2) Some part of Model data; particle set data from simulations, imposed water surface elevation boundaries for subsurface model, and supportive codes for data visualization and analysis (see details on README file).

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