Tim Cera
Senior Professional Engineer
Recent Activity
The GDAL/OGR libraries are open-source, geo-spatial libraries that work with a wide range of raster and vector data sources. One of many impressive features of the GDAL/OGR libraries is the ViRTual (VRT) format. It is an XML format description of how to transform raster or vector data sources on the fly into a new dataset. The transformations include: mosaicking, re-projection, look-up table (raster), change data type (raster), and SQL SELECT command (vector). VRTs can be used by GDAL/OGR functions and utilities as if they were an original source, even allowing for chaining of functionality, for example: have a VRT mosaic hundreds of VRTs that use look-up tables to transform original GeoTiff files. We used the VRT format for the presentation of hydrologic model results, allowing for thousands of small VRT files representing all components of the monthly water balance to be transformations of a single land cover GeoTiff file.
Presentation at 2018 AWRA Spring Specialty Conference: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Water Resources X, Orlando, Florida, April 23-25, http://awra.org/meetings/Orlando2018/
TauDEM suite of programs where developed to calculate hydrologic information from Digital Elevation Models (DEM). It includes DEM conditioning and correction, delineation, stream network development, distance to features (stream or divide), accumulation (downslope, decay limited, concentration limited, accumulation limited, reverse), avalanche runout zone, and others. For flat or closed basins, the typical approach of conditioning the DEM by pit-filling doesn't work well and those areas need to be masked.
Presentation at 2018 AWRA Spring Specialty Conference: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Water Resources X, Orlando, Florida, April 23-25, http://awra.org/meetings/Orlando2018/
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Created: May 8, 2018, 5:20 p.m.
Authors: Tim Cera
TauDEM suite of programs where developed to calculate hydrologic information from Digital Elevation Models (DEM). It includes DEM conditioning and correction, delineation, stream network development, distance to features (stream or divide), accumulation (downslope, decay limited, concentration limited, accumulation limited, reverse), avalanche runout zone, and others. For flat or closed basins, the typical approach of conditioning the DEM by pit-filling doesn't work well and those areas need to be masked.
Presentation at 2018 AWRA Spring Specialty Conference: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Water Resources X, Orlando, Florida, April 23-25, http://awra.org/meetings/Orlando2018/

The GDAL/OGR libraries are open-source, geo-spatial libraries that work with a wide range of raster and vector data sources. One of many impressive features of the GDAL/OGR libraries is the ViRTual (VRT) format. It is an XML format description of how to transform raster or vector data sources on the fly into a new dataset. The transformations include: mosaicking, re-projection, look-up table (raster), change data type (raster), and SQL SELECT command (vector). VRTs can be used by GDAL/OGR functions and utilities as if they were an original source, even allowing for chaining of functionality, for example: have a VRT mosaic hundreds of VRTs that use look-up tables to transform original GeoTiff files. We used the VRT format for the presentation of hydrologic model results, allowing for thousands of small VRT files representing all components of the monthly water balance to be transformations of a single land cover GeoTiff file.
Presentation at 2018 AWRA Spring Specialty Conference: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Water Resources X, Orlando, Florida, April 23-25, http://awra.org/meetings/Orlando2018/