Lorne Leonard

The Pennsylvania State University | Research Associate

Subject Areas: Hydrology, Computer Science, Workflows, HPC, GIS, Visualization

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This notebook generates an XML file containing up or down stream Level-12 HUCs from a user specified HUC anywhere in the Contiguous United States (CONUS).

Briefly, the resultant XML file contains the following information:
[1] "WhereStrings" for selecting HUCs within the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) using SQL in ArcMap or QTGIS.
[2] Location of stream outlets "Intersection Points" between Level-12 HUCs.
[3] A list of Closed Basins within the graph hierarchy.
[4] A list of NLDAS cell ids for forcing selection.
[5] Graph selection lists using DFS, BFS and undirected Dijkstra graphs. With distances to CONUS Level-12 HUCs.

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This script generates an XML file containing up or down stream Level-12 HUCs from a user specified HUC anywhere in the Contiguous United States (CONUS).

Briefly, the resultant XML file contains the following information:
[1] "WhereStrings" for selecting HUCs within the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) using SQL in ArcMap or QTGIS.
[2] Location of stream outlets "Intersection Points" between Level-12 HUCs.
[3] A list of Closed Basins within the graph hierarchy.
[4] A list of NLDAS cell ids for forcing selection.
[5] Graph selection lists using DFS, BFS and undirected Dijkstra graphs. With distances to CONUS Level-12 HUCs.

"-i", "--huc12id" Level-12 HUC numerical identification i.e. 020502040102 for Slab Cabin Run
"-r", "--reverse" Reverse selection i.e. false (default) selects upstream, true indicates downstream
"-o", "--ofolder" Output folder location

Example usage
[Windows]: python.exe get_HUC_Graph.py -i 020502040102 -r false -o c:\
[Ubuntu]: python3 get_HUC_Graph.py -i 020502040102 -r false -o \tmp

Further information is available here:

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Dead Run Viz example with GI Design

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Deadrun Allometric database file for demonstration

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Update DeadRun Rules for workshop demonstration.

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Lower Cartoogechaye Creek Level-12 HUC 060102020105
Created: Nov. 30, 2016, 7:17 p.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard


HydroTerre ETV Data Bundle for Level-12 HUC 060102020105

Further information about how ETV data bundle was generated here:

Leonard L., Duffy C., 2013, “Essential Terrestrial Variable Data Workflows for Distributed Water Resources Modeling”, International Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol 50, pp 85-96

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This is the HydroTerre ETV data bundle required for the sample RHESSys workflow notebook tutorial.

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This is the sample observation file required for the sample RHESSys workflow notebook tutorial.

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RHESSysWorkflows provides a series of Python tools for performing RHESSys data preparation workflows. These tools build on the workflow system defined by EcohydroLib and RHESSysWorkflows.
This notebook uses custom datasets and is for advanced users comfortable with a linux terminal and using text editor such as Vi.

Dead Run, USGS gage 01589330 is located at Franklintown MD.
The general steps to use RHESSys workflows

1 Register DEM
2 Import Gage
3 Download soil data
4 Prepare Land Cover data
5 Download LAI data
6 Create a new GRASS GIS Location
7 Import RHESSys code and compile (automatically or manually)
8 Import Climate data
9 Delineate watershed
10 Generate Patch map
11 Process soil maps
12 Generate derived landcover maps
13 Generate Rules and Reclassify
14 Generate template
15 Create world
16 Create flow table
17 Initializing vegetation carbon and nitrogen stores
18 Creating a RHESSys TEC file
19 Running RHESSys models

This notebook is built on RHESSys sample workflow and RHESSys Workflow at Coweeta, NC examples. Not all steps are documented. Here we focus on explaining new or modifications.

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US Forest Service WS18 is a 12.3ha, mixed hardwood-oak, control catchment that’s been undisturbed since 1927.

RHESSysWorkflows provides a series of Python tools for performing RHESSys data preparation workflows. These tools build on the workflow system defined by EcohydroLib and RHESSysWorkflows.

This notebook is built on RHESSys sample workflow. Not all steps are documented. Here we focus on explaining new or modifications.

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Resource Resource
Created: Jan. 9, 2017, 6:12 p.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard · Lawrence Band · Brian Miles · Laurence Lin · Jon Duncan


RHESSys Model version 5.18.r2 used in HydroShare's Jupyter RHESsys notebooks.

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Dead Run RHESSys Workflow with supplied GIS data preparation

RHESSysWorkflows provides a series of Python tools for performing RHESSys data preparation workflows. These tools build on the workflow system defined by EcohydroLib and RHESSysWorkflows.
This notebook assumes data steps 1 to 13 have already been prepared and uploaded as a HydroShare resource.

This notebook focuses on general steps 14 to 19 using the Dead Run catchment.
14 Generate template
15 Create world
16 Create flow table
17 Initializing vegetation carbon and nitrogen stores
18 Creating a RHESSys TEC file
19 Running RHESSys models

Users interested in seeing step outputs, remove output = from the command line.

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Ellerbe Creek is a small urban catchment about 6 sq mi, monitored by USGS 0208675010. Most urban area in this catchment is residential housing with lawn and yards.

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RHESSysWorkflows provides a series of Python tools for performing [RHESSys](https://github.com/RHESSys/RHESSys) data preparation workflows. These tools build on the workflow system defined by [EcohydroLib](https://github.com/selimnairb/EcohydroLib) and [RHESSysWorkflows](https://github.com/selimnairb/RHESSysWorkflows).

This notebook assumes general steps 1 to 13 are an existing resource within HydroShare.

This notebook focuses on general steps 14 to 19 using the Ellerbe Creek catchment
14 Generate template
15 Create world
16 Create flow table
17 Initializing vegetation carbon and nitrogen stores
18 Creating a RHESSys TEC file
19 Running RHESSys models

Users interested in seeing step outputs, remove **output = ** from the command line.
Note, some output lengths are very long and this notebook will become large in disk size.

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Green Infrastructure with RHESSys Workflows
Created: April 3, 2017, 1:45 p.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard · Lawrence Band


Using the GI (Green Infrastructure) designer web site, users design green infrastructure via GIS maps and web services to create datasets for RHESSys workflows.
RHESSysWorkflows provides a series of Python tools for performing RHESSys data preparation workflows. These tools build on the workflow system defined by EcohydroLib and RHESSysWorkflows.

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Resource Resource


Using the GI (Green Infrastructure) designer web site, users design green infrastructure via GIS maps and web services to create datasets for RHESSys workflows.

RHESSysWorkflows provides a series of Python tools for performing RHESSys data preparation workflows. These tools build on the workflow system defined by EcohydroLib and RHESSysWorkflows.

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Resource Resource
Created: April 13, 2017, 12:01 a.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard


Script needed for:

Green Infrastructure Designer web site with RHESSys Workflow.
Using the GI (Green Infrastructure) designer web site, users design green infrastructure via GIS maps and web services to create datasets for RHESSys workflows.
RHESSysWorkflows provides a series of Python tools for performing RHESSys data preparation workflows. These tools build on the workflow system defined by EcohydroLib and RHESSysWorkflows.

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Green Infrastructure Designer with RHESSys Workflow
Created: April 13, 2017, 12:10 a.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard · Lawrence Band


Using the GI (Green Infrastructure) designer web site, users design green infrastructure via GIS maps and web services to create datasets for RHESSys workflows.

RHESSysWorkflows provides a series of Python tools for performing RHESSys data preparation workflows. These tools build on the workflow system defined by EcohydroLib and RHESSysWorkflows.

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Resource Resource
DeadRun Definition Files
Created: April 16, 2017, 8:34 p.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard · Laurence Lin · Lawrence Band


Data required for DeadRun Green Infrastructure workflow demonstration.

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DeadRun Template File
Created: April 16, 2017, 8:46 p.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard · Laurence Lin · Lawrence Band


Data required for DeadRun Green Infrastructure workflow demonstration.

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DeadRun World File
Created: April 16, 2017, 9:14 p.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard · Laurence Lin · Lawrence Band


Data required for DeadRun Green Infrastructure workflow demonstration.

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Resource Resource
Green Infrastructure World Template
Created: April 17, 2017, 5:21 p.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard · Laurence Lin · Lawrence Band


Data required for DeadRun Green Infrastructure workflow demonstration.

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Green Infrastructure Template
Created: April 17, 2017, 5:28 p.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard · Laurence Lin · Lawrence Band


Data required for DeadRun Green Infrastructure workflow demonstration.

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Using the GI (Green Infrastructure) designer web site, users design green infrastructure via GIS maps and web services to create datasets for RHESSys workflows.

RHESSysWorkflows provides a series of Python tools for performing RHESSys data preparation workflows. These tools build on the workflow system defined by EcohydroLib and RHESSysWorkflows.

This version does not require user to edit files with text editor.

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DeadRun Discharge Observation Data
Created: April 21, 2017, 9:58 p.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard · Brian Miles · Laurence Lin · Jon Duncan · Lawrence Band


Observation discharge data required for DeadRun Green Infrastructure workflow demonstration.

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DeadRun RHESSys model results
Created: April 22, 2017, 12:19 p.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard · Lawrence Band · Brian Miles · Laurence Lin · Jon Duncan


RHESSys DeadRun model results for 2008-01-01 to 2009-03-01.

Example results for Green Infrastructure workflow demonstration.

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Resource Resource
DeadRun Rules
Created: April 25, 2017, 5:03 p.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard · Laurence Lin · Lawrence Band


Update DeadRun Rules for workshop demonstration.

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DeadRun Allometric database file
Created: April 25, 2017, 6:55 p.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard · Laurence Lin · Lawrence Band


Deadrun Allometric database file for demonstration

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DeadRun Viz Example
Created: April 25, 2017, 10:48 p.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard


Dead Run Viz example with GI Design

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This script generates an XML file containing up or down stream Level-12 HUCs from a user specified HUC anywhere in the Contiguous United States (CONUS).

Briefly, the resultant XML file contains the following information:
[1] "WhereStrings" for selecting HUCs within the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) using SQL in ArcMap or QTGIS.
[2] Location of stream outlets "Intersection Points" between Level-12 HUCs.
[3] A list of Closed Basins within the graph hierarchy.
[4] A list of NLDAS cell ids for forcing selection.
[5] Graph selection lists using DFS, BFS and undirected Dijkstra graphs. With distances to CONUS Level-12 HUCs.

"-i", "--huc12id" Level-12 HUC numerical identification i.e. 020502040102 for Slab Cabin Run
"-r", "--reverse" Reverse selection i.e. false (default) selects upstream, true indicates downstream
"-o", "--ofolder" Output folder location

Example usage
[Windows]: python.exe get_HUC_Graph.py -i 020502040102 -r false -o c:\
[Ubuntu]: python3 get_HUC_Graph.py -i 020502040102 -r false -o \tmp

Further information is available here:

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Create Level-12 HUC Selection List within the CONUS
Created: July 27, 2017, 3:39 p.m.
Authors: Lorne Leonard


This notebook generates an XML file containing up or down stream Level-12 HUCs from a user specified HUC anywhere in the Contiguous United States (CONUS).

Briefly, the resultant XML file contains the following information:
[1] "WhereStrings" for selecting HUCs within the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) using SQL in ArcMap or QTGIS.
[2] Location of stream outlets "Intersection Points" between Level-12 HUCs.
[3] A list of Closed Basins within the graph hierarchy.
[4] A list of NLDAS cell ids for forcing selection.
[5] Graph selection lists using DFS, BFS and undirected Dijkstra graphs. With distances to CONUS Level-12 HUCs.

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