Hart Henrichsen
Graduate Student
Recent Activity
Data created during the CUASHI Summer Institute 2022 as part of the "Coupling coastal and hydrologic models through BMI and Nextgen National Water Model Framework in low gradient coastal regions of Galveston Bay, Texas, USA" report for the National Water Center. The purpose of this report was to create a coastal model that could run in the Next Gen Framework.
This resource contains results from running the Python CFE BMI (https://github.com/jmframe/cfe/tree/master/py_cfe), GeoClaw (http://www.clawpack.org/), and GeoClaw with discharge (using a plugin). For code obtaining these results can be found at https://github.com/henrichsen/GeoClaw_BMI.
This is an example JupyterHub Python Script on how to use the hs_restclient to obtain both public and private web app connectors from HydroShare. All a user has to do is fill in their HydroShare username and password in order to authenticate the user's permissions.
Polygon delineation of Maryland oyster sanctuaries. The document "Oyster_Sanctuaries_of_the_Chespeake_Bay_and_Tidal_Tributaries_September 2010" is the source material for the features in this dataset. Section I of the document describes sanctuaries that were created prior to September 2010. Section II of the document describe sanctuaries that were created in September of 2010.
This also includes a shapefile of historic oyster beds in the bay as known by the state of Maryland.
This raster is the bathymetry of the Maryland Section of the Chesapeake bay. This data comes from NOAA's coastal department.
This resource also includes a demo into using HS_restclient in Jupyter Notebook.
This resource was added for CEEN534 class at BYU.
It was created using HydroShare UEB model inputs preparation application which utilized the HydroDS modeling web services. The model inputs data files include: watershed.nc, aspect.nc, slope.nc, cc.nc, hcan.nc, lai.nc, vp0.nc, tmin0.nc, tmax0.nc, srad0.nc, prcp0.nc, ueb_setup.py, hydrogate.py. The model parameter files include: param.dat, outputcontrol.dat, siteinitial.dat, control.dat, inputcontrol.dat. This model instance resource is complete for model simulation.
Practice for Dr. Ames' CEEN 514 class. Learning about Hydroshare and Geoserver.
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Practice for Dr. Ames' CEEN 514 class. Learning about Hydroshare and Geoserver.

Created: June 30, 2020, 8:10 p.m.
Authors: Henrichsen, Hart
It was created using HydroShare UEB model inputs preparation application which utilized the HydroDS modeling web services. The model inputs data files include: watershed.nc, aspect.nc, slope.nc, cc.nc, hcan.nc, lai.nc, vp0.nc, tmin0.nc, tmax0.nc, srad0.nc, prcp0.nc, ueb_setup.py, hydrogate.py. The model parameter files include: param.dat, outputcontrol.dat, siteinitial.dat, control.dat, inputcontrol.dat. This model instance resource is complete for model simulation.

Polygon delineation of Maryland oyster sanctuaries. The document "Oyster_Sanctuaries_of_the_Chespeake_Bay_and_Tidal_Tributaries_September 2010" is the source material for the features in this dataset. Section I of the document describes sanctuaries that were created prior to September 2010. Section II of the document describe sanctuaries that were created in September of 2010.
This also includes a shapefile of historic oyster beds in the bay as known by the state of Maryland.
This raster is the bathymetry of the Maryland Section of the Chesapeake bay. This data comes from NOAA's coastal department.
This resource also includes a demo into using HS_restclient in Jupyter Notebook.
This resource was added for CEEN534 class at BYU.

Created: April 5, 2022, 7:42 p.m.
Authors: Henrichsen, Hart
This is an example JupyterHub Python Script on how to use the hs_restclient to obtain both public and private web app connectors from HydroShare. All a user has to do is fill in their HydroShare username and password in order to authenticate the user's permissions.

Created: July 19, 2022, 5 p.m.
Authors: Henrichsen, Hart · Hamidi, Ebrahim · Sandquist, Abigail · Zhang, Hongyuan
Data created during the CUASHI Summer Institute 2022 as part of the "Coupling coastal and hydrologic models through BMI and Nextgen National Water Model Framework in low gradient coastal regions of Galveston Bay, Texas, USA" report for the National Water Center. The purpose of this report was to create a coastal model that could run in the Next Gen Framework.
This resource contains results from running the Python CFE BMI (https://github.com/jmframe/cfe/tree/master/py_cfe), GeoClaw (http://www.clawpack.org/), and GeoClaw with discharge (using a plugin). For code obtaining these results can be found at https://github.com/henrichsen/GeoClaw_BMI.