Shirley Anne Papuga

Wayne State University
University of Arizona
USACE | Physical Scientist

Subject Areas: Ecohydrology, environmental science, climate change, soil moisture, urban, Hydrometeorology, evaporation, evapotranspiration, Great Lakes

 Recent Activity


This resource contains ground-based ecohydrological measurements from a retrofitted bioswale in the Wayne State University campus (Detroit, MI). Weekly measurements were acquired in 2018 and 2019.

- Column 1: Year
- Column 2: Day of year
- Column 3: Soil moisture - north bioswale (%)
- Column 4: Soil moisture - south bioswale (%)
- Column 5: Soil moisture - north central bioswale (%)
- Column 6: Soil moisture - south central bioswale (%)
- Column 7: Normalized greenness index - north facing
- Column 8: Normalized greenness index - south facing
- Column 9: Stomatal conductance - swamp milkweed (mmol m-2 s-1)
- Column 10: Stomatal conductance - hoary verbena (mmol m-2 s-1)
- Column 11: Stomatal conductance - lanceleaf coreopsis (mmol m-2 s-1)
- Column 12: Air temperature - north bioswale (degC)
- Column 13: Air temperature - central bioswale (degC)
- Column 14: Air temperature - south bioswale (degC)
- Column 15: Relative humidity - north bioswale (%)
- Column 16: Relative humidity - central bioswale (%)
- Column 17: Relative humidity - south bioswale (%)
- Column 18: Precipitation - Detroit City Airport (mm)

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This resource contains eddy covariance micrometeorological measurements and urban greenness index from Wayne State University (Detroit, MI). The eddy covariance measurements and phenocam images were taken on 1/1/2020-12/31/2021.

US-WSU_EC_30min_2020001-2020366.xlsx, US-WSU_EC_30min_2021001-2021366.xlsx:
- Column 1: Day of year
- Column 2: Time (hh:mm)
- Column 3: Carbon dioxide concentration (ppm)
- Column 4: Carbon flux (umol m-2 s-1)
- Column 5: Wind direction (degrees from north)
- Column 6: Precipitation (mm)
- Column 7: Air temperature (degrees Celcius)

US-WSU_greenness_daily_2020001-2020366.xlsx, US-WSU_greenness_daily_2021001-2021366.xlsx:
- Column 1: Day of year
- Column 2: Normalized greenness index

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This resource contains eddy covariance evapotranspiration, sap flow transpiration, and soil moisture measurements from a creosotebush‐dominated shrubland ecosystem at the Santa Rita Experimental Range in southern Arizona. These measurements were taken over an 18‐month period in 2013-2015 in conjunction with biweekly precipitation, shallow soil, deep soil, and stem stable water isotope samples.

--Precipitation (mm)
--Vapor pressure deficit (VPD) (kPa)
--Evapotranspiration (mm/day)
--Transpiration (mm/day)
--Volumetric water content at multiple depths (2.5 cm, 12.5 cm, 22.5 cm, 37.5 cm, 52.5 cm) (m3/m3)

--delta-oxygen-18 and delta-deuterium values (‰):
-Precipitation (canopy, intercanopy)
-Soil at multiple depths (10 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm, 30 cm, 35 cm, 40 cm)
-Stem (creosotebush)

This resource serves as the data for:
Szutu, D. J., & Papuga, S. A. (2019). Year‐round transpiration dynamics linked with deep soil moisture in a warm desert shrubland. Water Resources Research.

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This resource contains eddy covariance evapotranspiration, sap flow transpiration, and soil moisture measurements from a creosotebush‐dominated shrubland ecosystem at the Santa Rita Experimental Range in southern Arizona. These measurements were taken over an 18‐month period in 2013-2015 in conjunction with biweekly precipitation, shallow soil, deep soil, and stem stable water isotope samples.

--Precipitation (mm)
--Vapor pressure deficit (VPD) (kPa)
--Evapotranspiration (mm/day)
--Transpiration (mm/day)
--Volumetric water content at multiple depths (2.5 cm, 12.5 cm, 22.5 cm, 37.5 cm, 52.5 cm) (m3/m3)

--delta-oxygen-18 and delta-deuterium values (‰):
-Precipitation (canopy, intercanopy)
-Soil at multiple depths (10 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm, 30 cm, 35 cm, 40 cm)
-Stem (creosotebush)

This resource serves as the data for:
Szutu, D. J., & Papuga, S. A. (2019). Year‐round transpiration dynamics linked with deep soil moisture in a warm desert shrubland. Water Resources Research.

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Resource Resource
Ground-based micrometeorolgical and greenness data from midtown Detroit
Created: July 8, 2022, 10:28 p.m.
Authors: Hwang, Kyotaek · Papuga, Shirley Anne


This resource contains eddy covariance micrometeorological measurements and urban greenness index from Wayne State University (Detroit, MI). The eddy covariance measurements and phenocam images were taken on 1/1/2020-12/31/2021.

US-WSU_EC_30min_2020001-2020366.xlsx, US-WSU_EC_30min_2021001-2021366.xlsx:
- Column 1: Day of year
- Column 2: Time (hh:mm)
- Column 3: Carbon dioxide concentration (ppm)
- Column 4: Carbon flux (umol m-2 s-1)
- Column 5: Wind direction (degrees from north)
- Column 6: Precipitation (mm)
- Column 7: Air temperature (degrees Celcius)

US-WSU_greenness_daily_2020001-2020366.xlsx, US-WSU_greenness_daily_2021001-2021366.xlsx:
- Column 1: Day of year
- Column 2: Normalized greenness index

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Resource Resource


This resource contains ground-based ecohydrological measurements from a retrofitted bioswale in the Wayne State University campus (Detroit, MI). Weekly measurements were acquired in 2018 and 2019.

- Column 1: Year
- Column 2: Day of year
- Column 3: Soil moisture - north bioswale (%)
- Column 4: Soil moisture - south bioswale (%)
- Column 5: Soil moisture - north central bioswale (%)
- Column 6: Soil moisture - south central bioswale (%)
- Column 7: Normalized greenness index - north facing
- Column 8: Normalized greenness index - south facing
- Column 9: Stomatal conductance - swamp milkweed (mmol m-2 s-1)
- Column 10: Stomatal conductance - hoary verbena (mmol m-2 s-1)
- Column 11: Stomatal conductance - lanceleaf coreopsis (mmol m-2 s-1)
- Column 12: Air temperature - north bioswale (degC)
- Column 13: Air temperature - central bioswale (degC)
- Column 14: Air temperature - south bioswale (degC)
- Column 15: Relative humidity - north bioswale (%)
- Column 16: Relative humidity - central bioswale (%)
- Column 17: Relative humidity - south bioswale (%)
- Column 18: Precipitation - Detroit City Airport (mm)

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