Christina Richardson

UC Santa Cruz

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Wildfires are a worldwide disturbance with unclear implications for stream water quality. We examined stream water chemistry responses immediately (<1 month) following a wildfire by measuring over 40 constituents in four gauged coastal watersheds that burned at low to moderate severity. Three of the four watersheds also had pre‐fire concentration‐discharge data for 14 constituents: suspended sediment (SSfine), dissolved organic and inorganic carbon (DOC, DIC), specific UV absorbance (SUVA), major ions (Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, Na+, Cl−, , , F−), and select trace elements (total dissolved Mn, Fe). In all watersheds, post‐fire stream water concentrations of SSfine, DOC, Ca2+, Cl−, and changed when compared to pre‐fire data. Post‐fire changes in , K+, Na+, Mg2+, DIC, SUVA, and total dissolved Fe were also found for at least two of the three streams. For constituents with detectable responses to wildfire, post‐fire changes in the slopes of concentration‐discharge relationships commonly resulted in stronger enrichment trends or weaker dilution trends, suggesting that new contributing sources were surficial or near the surface. However, a few geogenic solutes, Ca2+, Mg2+, and DIC, displayed stronger dilution trends at nearly all sites post‐fire. Moreover, fire‐induced constituent concentration changes were highly discharge and site‐dependent. These similarities and differences in across‐site stream water chemistry responses to wildfire emphasize the need for a deeper understanding of landscape‐scale changes to solute sources and pathways. Our findings also highlight the importance of being explicit about reference points for both stream discharge and pre‐fire stream water chemistry in post‐fire assessment of concentration changes.

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Data used in "Nutrient and trace element contributions from drained islands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California" published in SFEWS in June 2022.

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Degradation of peatlands via drainage is increasing globally and destabilizing peat carbon (C) stores. The effects of drainage on the timing and magnitude of lateral C losses from degraded peatlands remains understudied. We measured spatial and temporal variability in lateral C exports from three drained peat islands in the Sacramento‐San Joaquin Delta in California across the 2017 and 2018 water years using measurements of dissolved inorganic C (DIC), dissolved organic C (DOC), and suspended particulate organic C (POC) concentration combined with discharge. These measurements were supplemented with stable isotope data (δ13C‐DIC, δ13C‐POC, δ15N‐PON, and δ2H‐H2O values) to provide insight into hydrological and biogeochemical controls on lateral C exports from drained peatlands. Drainage DOC and DIC concentrations were seasonally variable with the highest values in the winter rainy season, when discharge was also elevated. Seasonal differences in the mobilization of dissolved C appeared to result from changing water sources and water table levels. Peat island drainage C contributions to surrounding waterways were also greatest during the winter. Although temporal variability in C cycling processes and trends were generally similar across islands, baseline drainage DIC, DOC, and POC concentrations were spatially variable, likely a result of sub-island-scale differences in soil organic matter content and hydrology. This spatial variability complicates system‐wide assessments of C budgets. Net lateral C exports were water year dependent and comparable to previously published vertical C emission rates for this system. This work highlights the importance of including lateral C exports from drained peatlands in local and regional C budgets.

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The contributions and composition of baseflow sources across an extended recession period were quantified for six subwatersheds of varying size in a structurally complex watershed in coastal California using endmember mixing analysis and related to catchment characteristics (e.g., topography, geology, land use, and soil characteristics). Both shallow subsurface and deep groundwater reservoirs were important contributors for streamflow during low flow periods, and the composition of baseflow sources across subwatersheds was directly related to geologic indices. A binary classification of underlying bedrock permeability (e.g., low vs. high) best explained the changes in shallow subsurface water and deeper groundwater inputs through the seasonal recession. Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and specific UV absorbance at 254 nm (SUVA254) were used to provide additional insight into endmember characteristics and their contributions to baseflow. Stream water DIC concentrations were broadly controlled by mixing of groundwater and shallow subsurface water endmembers with relatively constant DIC concentrations, while stream water DOC concentrations reflected both spatial and temporal changes in shallow subsurface water DOC. Results from this study show (1) the importance of considering baseflow as a dynamic mixture of water from multiple sources, (2) the effect of geology on source composition at the subwatershed scale during low flow conditions, and (3) the impact of shifting baseflow sources on stream water dissolved carbon concentrations and the utility of using dissolved carbon concentrations to obtain additional insight into temporal variability in baseflow sources.

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The contributions and composition of baseflow sources across an extended recession period were quantified for six subwatersheds of varying size in a structurally complex watershed in coastal California using endmember mixing analysis and related to catchment characteristics (e.g., topography, geology, land use, and soil characteristics). Both shallow subsurface and deep groundwater reservoirs were important contributors for streamflow during low flow periods, and the composition of baseflow sources across subwatersheds was directly related to geologic indices. A binary classification of underlying bedrock permeability (e.g., low vs. high) best explained the changes in shallow subsurface water and deeper groundwater inputs through the seasonal recession. Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and specific UV absorbance at 254 nm (SUVA254) were used to provide additional insight into endmember characteristics and their contributions to baseflow. Stream water DIC concentrations were broadly controlled by mixing of groundwater and shallow subsurface water endmembers with relatively constant DIC concentrations, while stream water DOC concentrations reflected both spatial and temporal changes in shallow subsurface water DOC. Results from this study show (1) the importance of considering baseflow as a dynamic mixture of water from multiple sources, (2) the effect of geology on source composition at the subwatershed scale during low flow conditions, and (3) the impact of shifting baseflow sources on stream water dissolved carbon concentrations and the utility of using dissolved carbon concentrations to obtain additional insight into temporal variability in baseflow sources.

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Degradation of peatlands via drainage is increasing globally and destabilizing peat carbon (C) stores. The effects of drainage on the timing and magnitude of lateral C losses from degraded peatlands remains understudied. We measured spatial and temporal variability in lateral C exports from three drained peat islands in the Sacramento‐San Joaquin Delta in California across the 2017 and 2018 water years using measurements of dissolved inorganic C (DIC), dissolved organic C (DOC), and suspended particulate organic C (POC) concentration combined with discharge. These measurements were supplemented with stable isotope data (δ13C‐DIC, δ13C‐POC, δ15N‐PON, and δ2H‐H2O values) to provide insight into hydrological and biogeochemical controls on lateral C exports from drained peatlands. Drainage DOC and DIC concentrations were seasonally variable with the highest values in the winter rainy season, when discharge was also elevated. Seasonal differences in the mobilization of dissolved C appeared to result from changing water sources and water table levels. Peat island drainage C contributions to surrounding waterways were also greatest during the winter. Although temporal variability in C cycling processes and trends were generally similar across islands, baseline drainage DIC, DOC, and POC concentrations were spatially variable, likely a result of sub-island-scale differences in soil organic matter content and hydrology. This spatial variability complicates system‐wide assessments of C budgets. Net lateral C exports were water year dependent and comparable to previously published vertical C emission rates for this system. This work highlights the importance of including lateral C exports from drained peatlands in local and regional C budgets.

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Data used in "Nutrient and trace element contributions from drained islands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California" published in SFEWS in June 2022.

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Exploring the Complex Effects of Wildfire on Stream Water Chemistry: Insights From Concentration‐Discharge Relationships [Dataset]
Created: March 21, 2023, 4:09 p.m.
Authors: Richardson, Christina · Maya Montalvo · Sasha Wagner · Riley Barton · Michael Redmond · Adina Paytan · Margaret Zimmer


Wildfires are a worldwide disturbance with unclear implications for stream water quality. We examined stream water chemistry responses immediately (<1 month) following a wildfire by measuring over 40 constituents in four gauged coastal watersheds that burned at low to moderate severity. Three of the four watersheds also had pre‐fire concentration‐discharge data for 14 constituents: suspended sediment (SSfine), dissolved organic and inorganic carbon (DOC, DIC), specific UV absorbance (SUVA), major ions (Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, Na+, Cl−, , , F−), and select trace elements (total dissolved Mn, Fe). In all watersheds, post‐fire stream water concentrations of SSfine, DOC, Ca2+, Cl−, and changed when compared to pre‐fire data. Post‐fire changes in , K+, Na+, Mg2+, DIC, SUVA, and total dissolved Fe were also found for at least two of the three streams. For constituents with detectable responses to wildfire, post‐fire changes in the slopes of concentration‐discharge relationships commonly resulted in stronger enrichment trends or weaker dilution trends, suggesting that new contributing sources were surficial or near the surface. However, a few geogenic solutes, Ca2+, Mg2+, and DIC, displayed stronger dilution trends at nearly all sites post‐fire. Moreover, fire‐induced constituent concentration changes were highly discharge and site‐dependent. These similarities and differences in across‐site stream water chemistry responses to wildfire emphasize the need for a deeper understanding of landscape‐scale changes to solute sources and pathways. Our findings also highlight the importance of being explicit about reference points for both stream discharge and pre‐fire stream water chemistry in post‐fire assessment of concentration changes.

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