Tyler B Hampton

University of Waterloo | PhD Student

Subject Areas: Hydrology

 Recent Activity


Forested watersheds supply over two thirds of the world's drinking water. The last decade has seen an increase in the frequency and intensity of wildfires that is threatening these source watersheds, and necessitating more expensive water treatment to address degrading water quality. Given increasing wildfire frequency in a changing climate, it is important to understand the magnitude of water quality impacts following fire. Here, we conducted a meta-analysis to explore post-fire changes in the concentrations of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) species, dissolved organic carbon, and total suspended sediments in 121 sites around the world. Changes were documented over each study's respective duration, which for 90% of sites was five years or fewer. We find concurrent increases in C, N and P species, highlighting a tight coupling between biogeochemical cycles in post-fire landscapes. We find that fire alters N and P speciation, with median increases of 40%–60% in the proportion of soluble inorganic N and P relative to total N and P. We also found that fire decreases C:N and C:P ratios, with median decreases ranging from 60% to 70%. Finally we observe a 'hockey stick'-like response in changes to the concentration distribution, where increases in the highest concentration ranges are much greater than increases at lower concentrations. Our study documents strong heterogeneity in responses of water quality to wildfire that have been unreported so far in the literature.

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The sediment-water interfaces (SWI) of streams serve as important biogeochemical hotspots in watersheds and contribute to whole-catchment reactive nitrogen budgets and water-quality conditions. Recently, the SWI has been identified as an important source of nitrous oxide (N2O) produced in streams, with SWI residence time among the principal controls on its production. Here, we conducted a series of controlled manipulations of SWI exchange in an urban stream that has high dissolved N2O concentrations and where we concurrently evaluated less-mobile porosity dynamics. Our experiments took place within isolated portions of two sediment types: a coarse sandy stream bed resulting from excess road-sand application in the watershed, and a coarse sand mixed with clay and organic particles. In these manipulation experiments we systematically varied SWI vertical-flux rates and residence times to evaluate their effect on the fate of nitrate and production rates of N2O. Our experiments demonstrate that the fate and transport of nitrate and N2O production are influenced by hydrologic flux rates through SWI sediments and associated residence times. Specifically, we show that manipulations of hydrologic flux systematically shifted the depth of the bulk oxic-anoxic interface in the sediments, and that nitrate removal increased with residence time. Our results also support the emerging hypothesis of a ‘Goldilocks’ timescale for the production of nitrous oxide, when transport and reaction timescales favor incomplete denitrification. Areal N2O production rates were up to 3-fold higher during an intermediate residence-time experiment, compared to shorter or longer residence times. In our companion study we documented that the studied sediments were dominated by a long-residence-time less-mobile porosity domain, which could explain why we observed N2O production even in bulk-oxic sediments. Overall, we have experimentally demonstrated that changes to SWI hydrologic residence times and SWI substrate associated with urbanization can change the biogeochemical function of the river corridor.

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Recent increases in the incidences of wildfires have necessitated the development of methodologies to quantify the effect of these fires on streamflows. Climate variability has been cited as a major challenge in revealing the true contribution of disturbance to streamflow changes. To address this, we developed an annual Budyko “decomposition” method for (1) statistical change detection of hydrologic signatures post-fire, (2) separating climate-driven and fire-driven changes in streamflow, and (3) estimating hydrologic recovery timescales after fire. We demonstrate the use of this methodology for 17 watersheds in Southern California with high interannual variability in precipitation. We show that while traditional metrics like changes in flow or runoff ratio might not detect a disturbance effect due to confounding climate signals, the Budyko framework can be used successfully for statistical change detection. The Budyko approach was also found to be robust in detecting changes in 5 highly burned catchments (>40% burned area ratio), while changes in less burned (2) and unburned catchments (10) were insignificant. We further used the Budyko approach to quantify the contribution of fire-driven versus climate driven changes in streamflow and found that fire contributed to an average increase in streamflow on the order of 80 mm yr-1, though the effect varied greatly between years. Finally, we estimated hydrologic recovery timescales that varied between 5 to 45 years for four burned catchments. We found a significant linear relationship between recovery time and burned area at medium and high severity for our study catchments, with about 4 years of recovery time per 10% of the watershed burned.

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Recent increases in the incidences of wildfires have necessitated the development of methodologies to quantify the effect of these fires on streamflows. Climate variability has been cited as a major challenge in revealing the true contribution of disturbance to streamflow changes. To address this, we developed an annual Budyko “decomposition” method for (1) statistical change detection of hydrologic signatures post-fire, (2) separating climate-driven and fire-driven changes in streamflow, and (3) estimating hydrologic recovery timescales after fire. We demonstrate the use of this methodology for 17 watersheds in Southern California with high interannual variability in precipitation. We show that while traditional metrics like changes in flow or runoff ratio might not detect a disturbance effect due to confounding climate signals, the Budyko framework can be used successfully for statistical change detection. The Budyko approach was also found to be robust in detecting changes in 5 highly burned catchments (>40% burned area ratio), while changes in less burned (2) and unburned catchments (10) were insignificant. We further used the Budyko approach to quantify the contribution of fire-driven versus climate driven changes in streamflow and found that fire contributed to an average increase in streamflow on the order of 80 mm yr-1, though the effect varied greatly between years. Finally, we estimated hydrologic recovery timescales that varied between 5 to 45 years for four burned catchments. We found a significant linear relationship between recovery time and burned area at medium and high severity for our study catchments, with about 4 years of recovery time per 10% of the watershed burned.

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The sediment-water interfaces (SWI) of streams serve as important biogeochemical hotspots in watersheds and contribute to whole-catchment reactive nitrogen budgets and water-quality conditions. Recently, the SWI has been identified as an important source of nitrous oxide (N2O) produced in streams, with SWI residence time among the principal controls on its production. Here, we conducted a series of controlled manipulations of SWI exchange in an urban stream that has high dissolved N2O concentrations and where we concurrently evaluated less-mobile porosity dynamics. Our experiments took place within isolated portions of two sediment types: a coarse sandy stream bed resulting from excess road-sand application in the watershed, and a coarse sand mixed with clay and organic particles. In these manipulation experiments we systematically varied SWI vertical-flux rates and residence times to evaluate their effect on the fate of nitrate and production rates of N2O. Our experiments demonstrate that the fate and transport of nitrate and N2O production are influenced by hydrologic flux rates through SWI sediments and associated residence times. Specifically, we show that manipulations of hydrologic flux systematically shifted the depth of the bulk oxic-anoxic interface in the sediments, and that nitrate removal increased with residence time. Our results also support the emerging hypothesis of a ‘Goldilocks’ timescale for the production of nitrous oxide, when transport and reaction timescales favor incomplete denitrification. Areal N2O production rates were up to 3-fold higher during an intermediate residence-time experiment, compared to shorter or longer residence times. In our companion study we documented that the studied sediments were dominated by a long-residence-time less-mobile porosity domain, which could explain why we observed N2O production even in bulk-oxic sediments. Overall, we have experimentally demonstrated that changes to SWI hydrologic residence times and SWI substrate associated with urbanization can change the biogeochemical function of the river corridor.

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Forested watersheds supply over two thirds of the world's drinking water. The last decade has seen an increase in the frequency and intensity of wildfires that is threatening these source watersheds, and necessitating more expensive water treatment to address degrading water quality. Given increasing wildfire frequency in a changing climate, it is important to understand the magnitude of water quality impacts following fire. Here, we conducted a meta-analysis to explore post-fire changes in the concentrations of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) species, dissolved organic carbon, and total suspended sediments in 121 sites around the world. Changes were documented over each study's respective duration, which for 90% of sites was five years or fewer. We find concurrent increases in C, N and P species, highlighting a tight coupling between biogeochemical cycles in post-fire landscapes. We find that fire alters N and P speciation, with median increases of 40%–60% in the proportion of soluble inorganic N and P relative to total N and P. We also found that fire decreases C:N and C:P ratios, with median decreases ranging from 60% to 70%. Finally we observe a 'hockey stick'-like response in changes to the concentration distribution, where increases in the highest concentration ranges are much greater than increases at lower concentrations. Our study documents strong heterogeneity in responses of water quality to wildfire that have been unreported so far in the literature.

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