Georgios Kourakos

University of California, Davis | Researcher

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This resource contains instructions about the code and the data that we used in our paper "Implementation of the Stream Aquifer Flow Exchange (SAFE) approach for finite element grids and asymmetric flow exchange"

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This resource includes the dataset and Matlab code corresponding to the manuscript titled "An Imputation Method for Simulating 3D Well Screen Locations from Limited Regional Well Log Data".

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This repository contains information about the model that is used in the 10.1029/2020WR029354 paper.
The current version of the model simulates steady state unconfined groundwater flow. It is based on the finite element method using quadrilateral or hexahedral finite elements for the domain discretization. For the mesh generation we use adaptive mesh refinement where we start from a coarse mesh and refine the areas of the domain where there is rapid change in the hydraulic head.
In addition the water table elevation is treated as an additional unknown and the iterations of the unconfined non linear problem are blended with the iterations of the adaptive mesh refinement process.

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This repository contains information about the model that is used in our ########### paper.
The current version of the model simulates steady state unconfined groundwater flow. It is based on the finite element method using quadrilateral or hexahedral finite elements for the domain discretization. For the mesh generation we use adaptive mesh refinement where we start from a coarse mesh and refine the areas of the domain where there is rapid change in the hydraulic head.
In addition the water table elevation is treated as an additional unknown and the iterations of the unconfined non linear problem are blended with the iterations of the adaptive mesh refinement process.

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This repository contains the output data and related GIS files to the Agricultural managed aquifer recharge study conducted in the area of Orland Artois Water District

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2019 OAWD AgMAR Study - Folder
Created: Aug. 8, 2019, 11:14 a.m.
Authors: Kourakos, Georgios · Dahlke, Helen · Harter, Thomas


This repository contains support material, model and data on a Managed Aquifer Recharge study in the Orland Artois Water District.
Using the California Central Valley Groundwater-Surface Water Simulation model (C2VSim) we tested a number of managed aquifer recharge scenarios.
More information about the study can be found in the following paper:
Kourakos, G., Dahlke, H. E., & Harter, T. ( 2019). Increasing Groundwater Availability and Seasonal Baseflow through Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge in an Irrigated Basin. Water Resources Research, 55.

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Resource Resource


This repository contains information about the C2VSim model and the required changes to run Managed aquifer recharge scenarios

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Resource Resource
2019 OAWD AgMAR Study - Data Files
Created: Aug. 12, 2019, 7:06 p.m.
Authors: Kourakos, Georgios · Dahlke, Helen · Harter, Thomas


This repository contains the output data and related GIS files to the Agricultural managed aquifer recharge study conducted in the area of Orland Artois Water District

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Resource Resource
AMR WRR paper 2020 - model
Created: Dec. 21, 2020, 9:53 a.m.
Authors: Kourakos, Georgios · Harter, Thomas


This repository contains information about the model that is used in our ########### paper.
The current version of the model simulates steady state unconfined groundwater flow. It is based on the finite element method using quadrilateral or hexahedral finite elements for the domain discretization. For the mesh generation we use adaptive mesh refinement where we start from a coarse mesh and refine the areas of the domain where there is rapid change in the hydraulic head.
In addition the water table elevation is treated as an additional unknown and the iterations of the unconfined non linear problem are blended with the iterations of the adaptive mesh refinement process.

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Resource Resource
AMR WRR paper 2020 - model
Created: May 14, 2021, 1:41 p.m.
Authors: Kourakos, Georgios · Harter, Thomas


This repository contains information about the model that is used in the 10.1029/2020WR029354 paper.
The current version of the model simulates steady state unconfined groundwater flow. It is based on the finite element method using quadrilateral or hexahedral finite elements for the domain discretization. For the mesh generation we use adaptive mesh refinement where we start from a coarse mesh and refine the areas of the domain where there is rapid change in the hydraulic head.
In addition the water table elevation is treated as an additional unknown and the iterations of the unconfined non linear problem are blended with the iterations of the adaptive mesh refinement process.

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Resource Resource
Data and Code for the Virtual Wells Imputation framework
Created: March 11, 2024, 10:11 a.m.
Authors: Kourakos, Georgios · Rich Pauloo · Harter, Thomas


This resource includes the dataset and Matlab code corresponding to the manuscript titled "An Imputation Method for Simulating 3D Well Screen Locations from Limited Regional Well Log Data".

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Resource Resource


This resource contains instructions about the code and the data that we used in our paper "Implementation of the Stream Aquifer Flow Exchange (SAFE) approach for finite element grids and asymmetric flow exchange"

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