Cécile Vuilleumier

University of Neuchatel

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This dataset contains time series of various parameters related to hydrology and suspended particles (discharge, temperature, turbidity, electrical conductivity, UV fluorescence, E.coli content, particle-size distribution (PSD)) measured in the karst system of Milandre in the Swiss Jura Mountains. The monitoring stations are located at the two main outlets (Saivu and Bâme springs) and at the upstream end of the cave stream (upstream Milandrine).
Some of the data have been supported by the A16 highway project of the FEDRO (Federal Roads Office) and the Canton of Jura within a contract with MFR Géologie - Géotechnique SA and RWB Jura SA. We are grateful to them for making this data available. Special thanks the FEDRO and the Canton of Jura for their open and pragmatic approach in dealing with this challenging environmental monitoring and committing the necessary financial resources. The Spéléo-Club Jura and its president Pierre Xavier Meury have also been supportive of our research and made the access to the cave possible under good conditions.

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This dataset contains the input and output files of a hydraulic model (EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)) of the downstream part of the Milandre Cave (Switzerland). The aim of the model is to simulate sediment transport processes in the karst conduits, which is done as a post-processing step.

The model is based on the cave survey and calibrated on the basis of hydraulic head, flow rate and tracer test data. The software version is SWMM5.0.019 for Linux. The simulation results (flow rates, hydraulic heads, flow velocities) are used to compute the mean boundary shear stress and the shear velocity in the conduits in order to assess sediment transport processes.

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Resource Resource
SWMM Model of the Milandre Cave (Switzerland)
Created: Nov. 6, 2019, 3:32 p.m.
Authors: Vuilleumier, Cécile


This dataset contains the input and output files of a hydraulic model (EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)) of the downstream part of the Milandre Cave (Switzerland). The aim of the model is to simulate sediment transport processes in the karst conduits, which is done as a post-processing step.

The model is based on the cave survey and calibrated on the basis of hydraulic head, flow rate and tracer test data. The software version is SWMM5.0.019 for Linux. The simulation results (flow rates, hydraulic heads, flow velocities) are used to compute the mean boundary shear stress and the shear velocity in the conduits in order to assess sediment transport processes.

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Resource Resource
Monitoring of suspended particles in the Milandre karst system (Switzerland)
Created: Oct. 30, 2020, 2:30 p.m.
Authors: Vuilleumier, Cécile · Jeannin, Pierre-Yves · Hessenauer, Marc


This dataset contains time series of various parameters related to hydrology and suspended particles (discharge, temperature, turbidity, electrical conductivity, UV fluorescence, E.coli content, particle-size distribution (PSD)) measured in the karst system of Milandre in the Swiss Jura Mountains. The monitoring stations are located at the two main outlets (Saivu and Bâme springs) and at the upstream end of the cave stream (upstream Milandrine).
Some of the data have been supported by the A16 highway project of the FEDRO (Federal Roads Office) and the Canton of Jura within a contract with MFR Géologie - Géotechnique SA and RWB Jura SA. We are grateful to them for making this data available. Special thanks the FEDRO and the Canton of Jura for their open and pragmatic approach in dealing with this challenging environmental monitoring and committing the necessary financial resources. The Spéléo-Club Jura and its president Pierre Xavier Meury have also been supportive of our research and made the access to the cave possible under good conditions.

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