Francois Clayer

Norwegian Institute for Water Research | Researcher

 Recent Activity


Polluted sediments from the Karosta Canal (Latvia) were recently disposed into the adjacent 7 ha semi-closed basin, connected to the canal through two pipes presenting a risk of spreading contaminants. The impact of different management alternatives, including capping sediment, filling up the disposal site and/or installing floating solar panels (FPV), on GHG emissions and contaminant releases to the canal were estimated through modelling. This dataset includes the modelled GHG fluxes from the disposal site as well as the export fluxes of metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), polychlorinated biphenyl compounds (PCBs) and oil (hydrocarbons) from the disposal site to the canal, according to the current situation and three alternative scenarios.

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This dataset includes dissolved gas concentrations data from two Norwegian lakes comparing different preservation and analysis methods. This dataset was used for "Mineralization of organic matter in boreal lake sediments: Rates, pathways and nature of the fermenting substrates" by Clayer et al. 2024, Biogeosciences

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This dataset is a part of the manuscript "Modelling macroplastic fluxes in the Imus catchment: Impacts of long-term accumulation and extreme events" by Clayer et al.
The dataset was used with INCA-Macroplastics, a spatiotemporally explicit model for mismanaged plastic mobilization and transport from land to sea from the INtegrated CAtchment (INCA) family. INCA-Macroplastics encompasses all components of the catchment, is driven by available data (weather, population counts, solid waste production rates and composition) and enables calibration and validation against a range of observations (e.g., river monitoring, household surveys). The tool encompasses a litter source module driven by waste generation data as well as weather, land use and population data. It was applied to the Imus River, Cavite, Philippines, estimated to be among the top 50 most polluting rivers in the world. We modelled macroplastic transport, retention and export following two calibrations ("LandAcc" and "RiverAcc") and two emission scenarios ("default" and "Remediation2006", note that "Remediation2006" is referred to as "RA 9003 enforcement" in the manuscript) covering 1990-2020. Model outputs include water discharge, plastic stocks in various catchment and river compartments, as well as plastic exports to sea.

This repository includes 5 compressed folders (*.7z) with data files with outputs of a Monte Carlo sensitivity analyses performed for each calibration ("LandAcc" and "RiverAcc") and plastic emission scenario("default" and "Remediation2006") as described in the folder names. Variable names and units are given in the file names:
- "dates.dat" are the datetime array over 1990-2020
- "Water_Discharge_m3_s.dat" is the water discharge at the river outlet in m3/s. Each column represents a run from the Monte Carlo run (up to 3000 columns) over 1990-2020.
- "Total_Plastics_on_land_Free_and_Buried_Kg.dat" is the total (buried and free) weight of plastic litter on land in kg. Each column represents a run from the Monte Carlo run (up to 3000 columns) over 1990-2020.
- "Buried_Plastics_on_land_Kg.dat" is the weight of buried plastic litter on land in kg. Each column represents a run from the Monte Carlo run (up to 3000 columns) over 1990-2020.
- "Plastics_on_RiverBank_Kg.dat" is the weight of plastic litter on riverbanks in kg. Each column represents a run from the Monte Carlo run (up to 3000 columns) over 1990-2020.
- "Plastics_in_RiverVegetation_Kg.dat" is the weight of plastic litter stuck in river vegetation in kg. Each column represents a run from the Monte Carlo run (up to 3000 columns) over 1990-2020.
- "Plastics_exported_to_Sea_KgPerDay.dat" is the weight of plastic litter exported each day to the sea in kg/day. Each column represents a run from the Monte Carlo run (up to 3000 columns) over 1990-2020.

In addition, there are two excel files with data from the household survey and from monitoring of macroplastic litter in the Imus River.

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This dataset includes dissolved O2 and greenhouse gas (GHG: CO2, CH4 and N2O) concentrations as well as GHG diffusive emission fluxes from lakes and streams in the Langtjern catchment in 2018 and 2019 as well as sensor data and TOC concentrations from the inlet, buoy and outlet stations in Lake Langtjern (discharge, water temperature, pH, conductivity, pCO2, O2 , fDOM) over 2015-2019. Detailed information about the methodology can be found in Clayer et al. (in press). The content of this resource serves as the data for "Boreal headwater catchment as hot spot of carbon processing from headwater to fjord" by Clayer et al. 2022, JGR-Biogeosciences

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This dataset includes porewater solute concentrations (CH4, DIC, Cl, NO3, SO4, Acetate, Fe, Mn, S(-II), Mg, Ca) and carbon isotopic signatures of CH4 and DIC in the sediment of three boreal lake basins (Lake Tantaré basin A and B, and Lake Bédard) in October 2014 or 2015, as well as for Lake Bédard in October 2003. Detailed information about the methodology can be found in Clayer et al. (2016 and 2018). The content of this resource serves as the data for "Mineralization of organic matter in boreal lake sediments: Rates, pathways and nature of the fermenting substrates" by Clayer et al. 2020, Biogeosciences

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This dataset includes porewater solute concentrations (CH4, DIC, Cl, NO3, SO4, Acetate, Fe, Mn, S(-II), Mg, Ca) and carbon isotopic signatures of CH4 and DIC in the sediment of three boreal lake basins (Lake Tantaré basin A and B, and Lake Bédard) in October 2014 or 2015, as well as for Lake Bédard in October 2003. Detailed information about the methodology can be found in Clayer et al. (2016 and 2018). The content of this resource serves as the data for "Mineralization of organic matter in boreal lake sediments: Rates, pathways and nature of the fermenting substrates" by Clayer et al. 2020, Biogeosciences

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Resource Resource
Dataset for "Boreal headwater catchment as hot spot of carbon processing from headwater to fjord" Clayer et al.
Created: Nov. 18, 2021, 12:06 p.m.
Authors: Clayer, Francois · Jan-Erik Thrane · Uta Brandt · Peter Dörsch · Heleen de Wit


This dataset includes dissolved O2 and greenhouse gas (GHG: CO2, CH4 and N2O) concentrations as well as GHG diffusive emission fluxes from lakes and streams in the Langtjern catchment in 2018 and 2019 as well as sensor data and TOC concentrations from the inlet, buoy and outlet stations in Lake Langtjern (discharge, water temperature, pH, conductivity, pCO2, O2 , fDOM) over 2015-2019. Detailed information about the methodology can be found in Clayer et al. (in press). The content of this resource serves as the data for "Boreal headwater catchment as hot spot of carbon processing from headwater to fjord" by Clayer et al. 2022, JGR-Biogeosciences

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This dataset is a part of the manuscript "Modelling macroplastic fluxes in the Imus catchment: Impacts of long-term accumulation and extreme events" by Clayer et al.
The dataset was used with INCA-Macroplastics, a spatiotemporally explicit model for mismanaged plastic mobilization and transport from land to sea from the INtegrated CAtchment (INCA) family. INCA-Macroplastics encompasses all components of the catchment, is driven by available data (weather, population counts, solid waste production rates and composition) and enables calibration and validation against a range of observations (e.g., river monitoring, household surveys). The tool encompasses a litter source module driven by waste generation data as well as weather, land use and population data. It was applied to the Imus River, Cavite, Philippines, estimated to be among the top 50 most polluting rivers in the world. We modelled macroplastic transport, retention and export following two calibrations ("LandAcc" and "RiverAcc") and two emission scenarios ("default" and "Remediation2006", note that "Remediation2006" is referred to as "RA 9003 enforcement" in the manuscript) covering 1990-2020. Model outputs include water discharge, plastic stocks in various catchment and river compartments, as well as plastic exports to sea.

This repository includes 5 compressed folders (*.7z) with data files with outputs of a Monte Carlo sensitivity analyses performed for each calibration ("LandAcc" and "RiverAcc") and plastic emission scenario("default" and "Remediation2006") as described in the folder names. Variable names and units are given in the file names:
- "dates.dat" are the datetime array over 1990-2020
- "Water_Discharge_m3_s.dat" is the water discharge at the river outlet in m3/s. Each column represents a run from the Monte Carlo run (up to 3000 columns) over 1990-2020.
- "Total_Plastics_on_land_Free_and_Buried_Kg.dat" is the total (buried and free) weight of plastic litter on land in kg. Each column represents a run from the Monte Carlo run (up to 3000 columns) over 1990-2020.
- "Buried_Plastics_on_land_Kg.dat" is the weight of buried plastic litter on land in kg. Each column represents a run from the Monte Carlo run (up to 3000 columns) over 1990-2020.
- "Plastics_on_RiverBank_Kg.dat" is the weight of plastic litter on riverbanks in kg. Each column represents a run from the Monte Carlo run (up to 3000 columns) over 1990-2020.
- "Plastics_in_RiverVegetation_Kg.dat" is the weight of plastic litter stuck in river vegetation in kg. Each column represents a run from the Monte Carlo run (up to 3000 columns) over 1990-2020.
- "Plastics_exported_to_Sea_KgPerDay.dat" is the weight of plastic litter exported each day to the sea in kg/day. Each column represents a run from the Monte Carlo run (up to 3000 columns) over 1990-2020.

In addition, there are two excel files with data from the household survey and from monitoring of macroplastic litter in the Imus River.

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Resource Resource


This dataset includes dissolved gas concentrations data from two Norwegian lakes comparing different preservation and analysis methods. This dataset was used for "Mineralization of organic matter in boreal lake sediments: Rates, pathways and nature of the fermenting substrates" by Clayer et al. 2024, Biogeosciences

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Resource Resource


Polluted sediments from the Karosta Canal (Latvia) were recently disposed into the adjacent 7 ha semi-closed basin, connected to the canal through two pipes presenting a risk of spreading contaminants. The impact of different management alternatives, including capping sediment, filling up the disposal site and/or installing floating solar panels (FPV), on GHG emissions and contaminant releases to the canal were estimated through modelling. This dataset includes the modelled GHG fluxes from the disposal site as well as the export fluxes of metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), polychlorinated biphenyl compounds (PCBs) and oil (hydrocarbons) from the disposal site to the canal, according to the current situation and three alternative scenarios.

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