Zachary Paul Brodeur
Cornell University
Subject Areas: | Hydroclimatology, Hydrology, Climatology, Decision Support |
Recent Activity
Pre-processed subset of raw HEFS hindcast data for Lake Mendocino (LAM) configured for compatibility with the repository structure of the versions 1 and 2 synthetic forecast model contained here: and here: The data are pre-structured for the repository setup and instructions are included in README files for both GitHub repos on how to setup the data contained in this resource.
Contains HEFS hindcast .csv files and observed full-natural-flow files for the following sites:
LAMC1 - main reservoir inflow to Lake Mendocino
UKAC1 - downstream flows at Ukiah junction
HOPC1L - downstream local flows at Hopland junction
Data also contains R scripts used to preprocess the raw HEFS data contained in the associated public Hydroshare resource here:
Pre-processed subset of raw HEFS hindcast data for Prado Dam system (ADO) configured for compatibility with the repository structure of the versions 1 and 2 synthetic forecast model contained here: and here: The data are pre-structured for the repository setup and instructions are included in README files for both GitHub repos on how to setup the data contained in this resource.
Contains HEFS hindcast .csv files and observed full-natural-flow files for the following sites:
ADOC1 - main reservoir inflow to Prado Dam (ADOC1)
Data also contains R scripts used to preprocess the raw HEFS data contained in the associated public Hydroshare resource here:
Raw HEFS hindcast data for 3 sites in Prado Dam system, ADOC1, SRWC1, TSLC1, and including observations for ADOC1.
Pre-processed subset of raw HEFS hindcast data for Feather-Yuba system (YRS) configured for compatibility with the repository structure of the versions 1 and 2 synthetic forecast model contained here: and here: The data are pre-structured for the repository setup and instructions are included in README files for both GitHub repos on how to setup the data contained in this resource.
Contains HEFS hindcast .csv files and observed full-natural-flow files for the following sites:
ORDC1 - main reservoir inflow to Oroville Lake
NBBC1 - main reservoir inflow to New Bullards Bar
MRYC1L - downstream local flows at Marysville junction
Data also contains R scripts used to preprocess the raw HEFS data. These raw data are too large for easy storage in a public repository (YRS has 30+ modeled sites) but are available upon reasonable request from: Zach Brodeur,
Pre-processed subset of raw HEFS hindcast data for New Hogan lake (NHG) configured for compatibility with the repository structure of the versions 1 and 2 synthetic forecast model contained here: and here: The data are pre-structured for the repository setup and instructions are included in README files for both GitHub repos on how to setup the data contained in this resource.
Contains HEFS hindcast .csv files and observed full-natural-flow files for the following sites:
NHGC1 - main reservoir inflow to New Hogan lake
MSGC1L - downstream local flows from Mud Slough
Data also contains R scripts used to preprocess the raw HEFS data contained in the associated public Hydroshare resource here:
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Created: Jan. 20, 2020, 7:42 p.m.
Authors: Brodeur, Zachary Paul · Steinschneider, Scott S. · Herman, Jonathan D.
Policy search methods provide a heuristic mapping between observations and decisions and have been widely used in reservoir control studies. However, recent studies have observed a tendency for policy search methods to overfit to the hydrologic data used in training, particularly the sequence of flood and drought events. This technical note develops an extension of bootstrap aggregation (bagging) and cross-validation techniques, inspired by the machine learning literature, to improve control policy performance on out-of-sample hydrology. We explore these methods using a case study of Folsom Reservoir, California using control policies structured as binary trees and daily streamflow resampling based on the paleo-inflow record. Results show that calibration-validation strategies for policy selection and certain ensemble aggregation methods can improve out-of-sample tradeoffs between water supply and flood risk objectives over baseline performance given fixed computational costs. These results highlight the potential to improve policy search methodologies by leveraging well-established model training strategies from machine learning.

Created: Jan. 30, 2020, 5:40 p.m.
Authors: Brodeur, Zachary Paul
Forecasts of heavy precipitation delivered by atmospheric rivers (ARs) are becoming increasingly important for both flood control and water supply management in reservoirs across California. This study examines the hypothesis that medium-range forecasts of heavy precipitation at the basin scale exhibit recurrent spatial biases that are driven by mesoscale and synoptic scale features of associated AR events. This hypothesis is tested for heavy precipitation events in the Sacramento River basin using 36 years of NCEP medium-range reforecasts from 1984 to 2019. For each event we cluster precipitation forecast error across western North America for lead times ranging from 1 to 15 days. Integrated vapor transport (IVT), 500 hPa geopotential heights, and landfall characteristics of ARs are composited across clusters and lead times to diagnose the causes of precipitation forecast biases. We investigate the temporal evolution of forecast error to characterize its persistence across lead times, and explore the accuracy of forecasted IVT anomalies across different domains of the North American west coast during heavy precipitation events in the Sacramento basin. Our results identify recurrent spatial patterns of precipitation forecast error consistent with errors of forecasted synoptic scale features, especially at long (5-15 day) leads. Moreover, we find evidence that forecasts of AR landfalls well outside of the latitudinal bounds of the Sacramento basin precede heavy precipitation events within the basin. These results suggest the potential for using medium-range forecasts of large-scale climate features across the Pacific-North American sector, rather than just local forecasts of basin-scale precipitation, when designing forecast-informed reservoir operations.

Created: Dec. 14, 2020, 1:22 a.m.
Authors: Brodeur, Zachary Paul
The use of hydro-meteorological forecasts in water resources management holds great promise as a soft pathway to improve system performance. Methods for generating synthetic forecasts of hydro-meteorological variables are crucial for robust validation of forecast use, as numerical weather prediction hindcasts are only available for a relatively short period (10-40 years) that is insufficient for assessing risk related to forecast-informed decision-making during extreme events. We develop a generalized error model for synthetic forecast generation that is applicable to a range of forecasted variables used in water resources management. The approach samples from the distribution of forecast errors over the available hindcast period and adds them to long records of observed data to generate synthetic forecasts. The approach utilizes the Skew Generalized Error Distribution (SGED) to model marginal distributions of forecast errors that can exhibit heteroskedastic, auto-correlated, and non-Gaussian behavior. An empirical copula is used to capture covariance between variables, forecast lead times, and across space. We demonstrate the method for medium-range forecasts across Northern California in two case studies for 1) streamflow and 2) temperature and precipitation, which are based on hindcasts from the NOAA/NWS Hydrologic Ensemble Forecast System (HEFS) and the NCEP GEFS/R V2 climate model, respectively. The case studies highlight the flexibility of the model and its ability to emulate space-time structures in forecasts at scales critical for water resources management. The proposed method is generalizable to other locations and computationally efficient, enabling fast generation of long synthetic forecast ensembles that are appropriate for risk analysis.

Created: Dec. 14, 2023, 5:53 p.m.
Authors: Brodeur, Zachary Paul
NOAA/NWS full length (1989-2019) HEFS hindcast data for New Hogan Reservoir (NHGC1) inflows and downstream local flows at Mud Slough (MSGC1L)

Created: Dec. 18, 2023, 3:01 p.m.
Authors: Brodeur, Zachary Paul
Hindcast data for 3 forecast sites at Lake Mendocino (LAMC1, HOPC1L, UKAC1)

Created: April 17, 2024, 5:12 p.m.
Authors: Brodeur, Zachary Paul
Pre-processed subset of raw HEFS hindcast data for New Hogan lake (NHG) configured for compatibility with the repository structure of the versions 1 and 2 synthetic forecast model contained here: and here: The data are pre-structured for the repository setup and instructions are included in README files for both GitHub repos on how to setup the data contained in this resource.
Contains HEFS hindcast .csv files and observed full-natural-flow files for the following sites:
NHGC1 - main reservoir inflow to New Hogan lake
MSGC1L - downstream local flows from Mud Slough
Data also contains R scripts used to preprocess the raw HEFS data contained in the associated public Hydroshare resource here:

Created: April 25, 2024, 4:04 p.m.
Authors: Brodeur, Zachary Paul
Pre-processed subset of raw HEFS hindcast data for Feather-Yuba system (YRS) configured for compatibility with the repository structure of the versions 1 and 2 synthetic forecast model contained here: and here: The data are pre-structured for the repository setup and instructions are included in README files for both GitHub repos on how to setup the data contained in this resource.
Contains HEFS hindcast .csv files and observed full-natural-flow files for the following sites:
ORDC1 - main reservoir inflow to Oroville Lake
NBBC1 - main reservoir inflow to New Bullards Bar
MRYC1L - downstream local flows at Marysville junction
Data also contains R scripts used to preprocess the raw HEFS data. These raw data are too large for easy storage in a public repository (YRS has 30+ modeled sites) but are available upon reasonable request from: Zach Brodeur,

Created: May 6, 2024, 5:10 p.m.
Authors: Brodeur, Zachary Paul
Raw HEFS hindcast data for 3 sites in Prado Dam system, ADOC1, SRWC1, TSLC1, and including observations for ADOC1.

Created: May 6, 2024, 5:13 p.m.
Authors: Brodeur, Zachary Paul
Pre-processed subset of raw HEFS hindcast data for Prado Dam system (ADO) configured for compatibility with the repository structure of the versions 1 and 2 synthetic forecast model contained here: and here: The data are pre-structured for the repository setup and instructions are included in README files for both GitHub repos on how to setup the data contained in this resource.
Contains HEFS hindcast .csv files and observed full-natural-flow files for the following sites:
ADOC1 - main reservoir inflow to Prado Dam (ADOC1)
Data also contains R scripts used to preprocess the raw HEFS data contained in the associated public Hydroshare resource here:

Created: May 6, 2024, 5:14 p.m.
Authors: Brodeur, Zachary Paul
Pre-processed subset of raw HEFS hindcast data for Lake Mendocino (LAM) configured for compatibility with the repository structure of the versions 1 and 2 synthetic forecast model contained here: and here: The data are pre-structured for the repository setup and instructions are included in README files for both GitHub repos on how to setup the data contained in this resource.
Contains HEFS hindcast .csv files and observed full-natural-flow files for the following sites:
LAMC1 - main reservoir inflow to Lake Mendocino
UKAC1 - downstream flows at Ukiah junction
HOPC1L - downstream local flows at Hopland junction
Data also contains R scripts used to preprocess the raw HEFS data contained in the associated public Hydroshare resource here: