Molly McAllister
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[You can run this model with the notebook at in CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water platform]
WRFHydro Test Case -- Croton River, NY
#Overview This test case includes prepared geospatial data and input files for a
sample domain (region of interest) and prepared forcing data. This domain is a small region (15km x 16km) encompassing the West Branch
of the Croton River, NY, USA (USGS stream gage 0137462010) during hurricane
Irene, 2011-08-26 to 2011-09-02. The simulation begins with a restart from a
spinup period from 2010-10-01 to 2011-08-26. The forcing data
prepared for this test case is North American Land Data Assimilation System
(NLDAS) hourly data. There are 3 basic routing
configurations included in the test case, National Water Model (NWM), Gridded,
and NCAR Reach. See the WRF-Hydro V5 Technical Description located at for a more detailed description of model
physics options, configurations, and input files.
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[You can run this model with the notebook at in CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water platform]
WRFHydro Test Case -- Croton River, NY
#Overview This test case includes prepared geospatial data and input files for a
sample domain (region of interest) and prepared forcing data. This domain is a small region (15km x 16km) encompassing the West Branch
of the Croton River, NY, USA (USGS stream gage 0137462010) during hurricane
Irene, 2011-08-26 to 2011-09-02. The simulation begins with a restart from a
spinup period from 2010-10-01 to 2011-08-26. The forcing data
prepared for this test case is North American Land Data Assimilation System
(NLDAS) hourly data. There are 3 basic routing
configurations included in the test case, National Water Model (NWM), Gridded,
and NCAR Reach. See the WRF-Hydro V5 Technical Description located at for a more detailed description of model
physics options, configurations, and input files.