Bryce Berrett

Brigham Young University
In Harm's Way

Subject Areas: Tsunami Mitigation, Hydraulic modeling, Natural Disaster Mitigation

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This data constitutes the input data for the online web app called "Evacuation Least Cost Path App" (ELCPA.) A DEM, Slope, Roads/paths, and Water rasters are included.

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This data is only sample data used for a school assignment. It shows shape files for countries and cities of interest.

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Resource 2
App Connector 0
Resource Resource
BYU class example resource CEEn 514
Created: Feb. 22, 2020, 2:46 a.m.
Authors: Berrett, Bryce


This data is only sample data used for a school assignment. It shows shape files for countries and cities of interest.

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Resource Resource


This data constitutes the input data for the online web app called "Evacuation Least Cost Path App" (ELCPA.) A DEM, Slope, Roads/paths, and Water rasters are included.

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