Pia Ebeling
UFZ - Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research GmbH
Subject Areas: | hydrology, Hydrogeology, Water quality, nutrients |
Recent Activity
This data set provides geoinformation data, natural and anthropogenic characteristics of 1386 catchments across Germany as part of the QUADICA data set.
The attributes include information on topography, land cover, lithology, soils, climate, hydrology, population density and nutrient sources and heterogeneity. The calculated catchment attributes base on various publicly available and published resources referenced in the metadata of this repository. This repository combines the two existing CCDB repositories for the German catchments (Ebeling, 2021: https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.0fc1b5b1be4a475aacfd9545e72e6839; Ebeling & Dupas, 2021: https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.c7d4df3ba74647f0aa83ae92be2e294b).
The provided geoinformation includes the delineated catchments, stations and the data used for delineation.
The data set is decribed in detail in a corresponding paper "Water quality, discharge and catchment attributes for large-sample studies in Germany - QUADICA" by Ebeling et al. (https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2022-6).
This repository includes:
1.) Data table with catchment attributes
2.) Metadata with the description of each catchment attribute and references to original publications and data resources.
3.) GIS-data:
- Shapefile of delineated catchment polygons
- Shapefile of stations.
- Shapefile of modified station locations consistent with the flow accumulation raster using a 100m snapping distance.
- Shapefile of modified river network after manual adaptations used for burning into DEM
- Raster of DEM 100m
- Raster of flow direction used for catchment delineation
- Raster of flow accumulation
4.) Readme for further explanation of the included GIS data
Water quality and quantity data, as well as meteorological and N surplus time series are available in the "QUADICA - water quality, discharge and catchment attributes for large-sample studies in Germany" repository (https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.0ec5f43e43c349ff818a8d57699c0fe1). All repositories use the same unique identifier OBJECTID for each water quality station.
Note: the station locations (stations.shp) do not always fall within the delineated catchments as the catchment outlets were adapted (stations_mod.shp) according the stream network and the topographic flow accumulation grid.
Conditions: Please, reference both the original data publisher and this repository/corresponding paper Ebeling et al. for credits, when using the provided data. Note that the provided data were created with greatest care, but we cannot guarantee correctness of the data.
This data set provides data of water quality, discharge, driving forces (meteorological and nitrogen surplus), and catchment attributes for a set of 1386 German catchments covering a wide range of natural and anthropogenic conditions.
Data on catchment attributes and geodata, which are also part of the QUADICA data set, are available at "CCDB - catchment characteristics data base Germany" (https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.88254bd930d1466c85992a7dea6947a4). The metadata of the underlying water quality and quantity data base is available at "WQQDB - water quality and quantity data base Germany" (https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.a42addcbd59a466a9aa56472dfef8721).
The data set is decribed in detail in a corresponding paper "Water quality, discharge and catchment attributes for large-sample studies in Germany - QUADICA" by Ebeling et al. (https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2022-6).
This repository includes:
1.) Water quality data as annual medians of observed concentration data of N, P and C species and discharge during sampling dates (c_annual.csv)
2.) Water quantity data as annual medians of observed discharge time series (q_annual.csv)
3.) Monthly medians and percentiles over the whole time series of water quality variables and discharge (c_months.csv)
4.) Monthly and annual median concentrations, flow-normalized concentrations, and mean fluxes estimated using Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) for stations with enough data availability (for details see the corresponding paper Ebeling et al.; wrtds_monthly.csv, wrtds_annual.csv).
5.) Meteorological data as monthly median average temperatures and sums of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (tavg_monthly.csv, pre_monthly.csv, pet_monthly.csv)
6.) N surplus time series on annual basis (n_surplus.csv)
7.) Summary statistics for the stations including number of samples, covered time periods, degree of censoring (concentrations below the detection limit), outliers, availability of discharge data, and availability and performance of WRTDS models (metadata.csv).
8.) Description of all data tables (Metadata_QUADICA.pdf).
Conditions: The data set is freely and easily accessible. Please refer to the corresponding paper Ebeling et al. when using or referring to this data set. Note that the provided data were created with greatest care, but we cannot guarantee correctness of the data.
This data set provides geoinformation data, natural and anthropogenic characteristics of 1386 catchments across Germany as part of the QUADICA data set.
The attributes include information on topography, land cover, lithology, soils, climate, hydrology, population density and nutrient sources and heterogeneity.
The calculated catchment attributes base on various publicly available and published resources referenced in the metadata of this repository.
The data set from this repository combines the two existing CCDB repositories for the German catchments (Ebeling, 2021: https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.0fc1b5b1be4a475aacfd9545e72e6839; Ebeling & Dupas, 2021: https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.c7d4df3ba74647f0aa83ae92be2e294b).
A corresponding paper "Water quality, discharge and catchment attributes for large-sample studies in Germany - QUADICA" by Ebeling et al. describing the QUADICA data set in detail will be made available in the Journal Earth System Science Data (https://www.earth-system-science-data.net/).
This repository includes:
1.) Data table with catchment attributes
2.) Metadata with the description of each catchment attribute and references to original publications and data resources.
3.) Shapefile with delineated catchment polygons
4.) Shapefile with stations.
Water quality and quantity data, as well as meteorological and N surplus time series are available in the "QUADICA - water quality, discharge and catchment attributes for large-sample studies in Germany" repository (https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.26e8238f0be14fa1a49641cd8a455e29). All repositories use the same unique identifier OBJECTID for each water quality station.
Note: the stations do not always fall within the delineated catchments as the catchment outlets were adapted according the stream network and the topographic flow accumulation grid.
Conditions: Please, reference both the original data publisher and this repository/corresponding paper Ebeling et al. for credits, when using the provided data.
This data set provides data of water quality, discharge, driving forces (meteorological and nitrogen surplus), and catchment attributes for a set of 1386 German catchments covering a wide range of natural and anthropogenic conditions. A corresponding paper "Water quality, discharge and catchment attributes for large-sample studies in Germany - QUADICA" by Ebeling et al. describing the data set in detail will be made available in the Journal Earth System Science Data (https://www.earth-system-science-data.net/).
This repository includes:
1.) Water quality data as annual medians of observed concentration data of N, P and C species (c_annual.csv)
2.) Water quantity data as annual medians of observed discharge (q_annual.csv)
3.) Monthly medians over the whole time series of water quality variables and discharge (c_months.csv)
4.) Monthly and annual median concentrations, flow-normalized concentrations, and mean fluxes estimated using Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) for stations with enough data availability (for details see the corresponding paper Ebeling et al.; wrtds_monthly.csv, wrtds_annual.csv).
5.) Meteorological data as monthly median average temperatures and sums of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (tavg_monthly.csv, pre_monthly.csv, pet_monthly.csv)
6.) N surplus time series on annual basis (n_surplus.csv)
7.) Summary statistics for the stations including number of samples, covered time periods, degree of censoring (concentrations below the detection limit), availability of discharge data, and availability and performance of WRTDS models (metadata.csv).
8.) Description of data tables (Metadata_QUADICA.pdf).
Data on catchment attributes and geodata also part of the QUADICA data set are available at "CCDB - catchment characteristics data base Germany" (https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.82f8094dd61e449a826afdef820a2c19). The metadata of the water quality and quantity data base is available at "WQQDB - water quality and quantity data base Germany" (https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.a42addcbd59a466a9aa56472dfef8721).
Conditions: The data set is freely and easily accessible. Please refer to the corresponding paper Ebeling et al. when using or referring to this data set.
This repository provides geoinformation data, natural and anthropogenic characteristics of 486 French and 1386 German catchments.
The characteristics include information on topography, land cover, lithology, soils, climate, hydrology, population density and nutrient sources.
The calculated catchment characteristics base on various publicly available and published resources referenced in the metadata of this repository.
This data base is an extension of the previously published data base for Germany "CCDB - catchment characteristics data base across Germany" (Ebeling, 2021).
The German catchments are the same as previously published and use the same identifier. Overlapping characteristics of the German CCDB data base are incorporated here for completeness but were not recalculated in case of identical methodology, source and period (see metadata information). However here, additional catchment characteristics are included, while a few variables which based on national data sets only available for Germany were not included.
This repository includes:
1.) Data table with catchment characteristics
2.) Metadata with the description of each catchment characteristic and references to original publications and data resources.
3.) Shapefile with catchment polygons
4.) Shapefile with stations
Conditions: Please, reference both the original data publisher and this repository for correct acknowledgements, when using the provided data.
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Created: June 8, 2020, 4:09 p.m.
Authors: Ebeling, Pia
This repository provides geoinformation data, natural and anthropogenic characteristics of 1386 catchments across Germany.
The characteristics include information on topography, land cover, lithology, soils, climate, hydrology, population density and nutrient sources and heterogeneity.
The calculated catchment characteristics base on various publicly available and published resources referenced in the metadata of this repository.
The data from this repository were created for the study Ebeling et al. (2021).
This repository includes:
1.) Data table with catchment characteristics
2.) Metadata with the description of each catchment characteristic and references to original publications and data resources.
3.) Shapefile with delineated catchment polygons
4.) Shapefile with stations.
- water quality metrics are provided in another, linked repository (https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.9b4deeca259b4f7398ce72121b4e2979). Both repositories use the same unique identifier OBJECTID for each water quality station.
- the stations do not always fall within the delineated catchments as the catchment outlets were adapted according the stream network and the topographic flow accumulation.
Ebeling, P., Kumar, R., Weber, M., Knoll, L., Fleckenstein, J. H., & Musolff, A. (2021). Archetypes and Controls of Riverine Nutrient Export Across German Catchments. Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR028134. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020WR028134
Conditions: Please, reference both the original data publisher and this repository for correct acknowledgements, when using the provided data.

Created: June 8, 2020, 5:10 p.m.
Authors: Ebeling, Pia
This repository provides metrics of water quality and quantity of 1386 German catchments based on time series of the
"WQQDB - water quality and quantity data base Germany" (Musolff, 2020) subsetting years from 2000 to 2015.
The data from this repository were created for Ebeling et al. (2021). Selection criteria and results are presented more in depth therein.
Natural and anthropogenic catchment characteristics are provided in another, linked repository "CCDB - catchment characteristics data base Germany" (https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.0fc1b5b1be4a475aacfd9545e72e6839). Both repositories use the same unique identifier OBJECTID for each water quality station.
This repository includes:
1.) Data table with unique identifier (OBJECTID), station name and calculated metrics of water quality dynamics for nitrate (NO3-N), phosphate (PO4-P) and total organic carbon (TOC). The metrics are mean concentrations, the slope b of the concentration (C) - discharge (Q) regression in logspace, the corresponding R2, and the ratio of the coefficients of variation CVC/CVQ. The data table also includes a flag "indep" for the independence of catchments (max. 20% area overlap with each of its subcatchments) including criteria (e.g. priority of C-Q catchments) as described in Ebeling et al. (2021). Accordingly 787 catchments are considered as independent.
2.) Readme file providing information on provided data.
Ebeling, P., Kumar, R., Weber, M., Knoll, L., Fleckenstein, J. H., & Musolff, A. (2021). Archetypes and Controls of Riverine Nutrient Export Across German Catchments. Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR028134. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020WR028134
Conditions: Please, reference both the original data publisher and this repository for correct acknowledgements, when using the provided data.

Created: Oct. 23, 2020, 10:09 a.m.
Authors: Ebeling, Pia · Dupas, Remi
This repository provides geoinformation data, natural and anthropogenic characteristics of 486 French and 1386 German catchments.
The characteristics include information on topography, land cover, lithology, soils, climate, hydrology, population density and nutrient sources.
The calculated catchment characteristics base on various publicly available and published resources referenced in the metadata of this repository.
This data base is an extension of the previously published data base for Germany "CCDB - catchment characteristics data base across Germany" (Ebeling, 2021).
The German catchments are the same as previously published and use the same identifier. Overlapping characteristics of the German CCDB data base are incorporated here for completeness but were not recalculated in case of identical methodology, source and period (see metadata information). However here, additional catchment characteristics are included, while a few variables which based on national data sets only available for Germany were not included.
This repository includes:
1.) Data table with catchment characteristics
2.) Metadata with the description of each catchment characteristic and references to original publications and data resources.
3.) Shapefile with catchment polygons
4.) Shapefile with stations
Conditions: Please, reference both the original data publisher and this repository for correct acknowledgements, when using the provided data.

Created: Dec. 2, 2021, 4:38 p.m.
Authors: Ebeling, Pia · Rohini Kumar · Michael Weber · Musolff, Andreas
This data set provides data of water quality, discharge, driving forces (meteorological and nitrogen surplus), and catchment attributes for a set of 1386 German catchments covering a wide range of natural and anthropogenic conditions. A corresponding paper "Water quality, discharge and catchment attributes for large-sample studies in Germany - QUADICA" by Ebeling et al. describing the data set in detail will be made available in the Journal Earth System Science Data (https://www.earth-system-science-data.net/).
This repository includes:
1.) Water quality data as annual medians of observed concentration data of N, P and C species (c_annual.csv)
2.) Water quantity data as annual medians of observed discharge (q_annual.csv)
3.) Monthly medians over the whole time series of water quality variables and discharge (c_months.csv)
4.) Monthly and annual median concentrations, flow-normalized concentrations, and mean fluxes estimated using Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) for stations with enough data availability (for details see the corresponding paper Ebeling et al.; wrtds_monthly.csv, wrtds_annual.csv).
5.) Meteorological data as monthly median average temperatures and sums of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (tavg_monthly.csv, pre_monthly.csv, pet_monthly.csv)
6.) N surplus time series on annual basis (n_surplus.csv)
7.) Summary statistics for the stations including number of samples, covered time periods, degree of censoring (concentrations below the detection limit), availability of discharge data, and availability and performance of WRTDS models (metadata.csv).
8.) Description of data tables (Metadata_QUADICA.pdf).
Data on catchment attributes and geodata also part of the QUADICA data set are available at "CCDB - catchment characteristics data base Germany" (https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.82f8094dd61e449a826afdef820a2c19). The metadata of the water quality and quantity data base is available at "WQQDB - water quality and quantity data base Germany" (https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.a42addcbd59a466a9aa56472dfef8721).
Conditions: The data set is freely and easily accessible. Please refer to the corresponding paper Ebeling et al. when using or referring to this data set.

Created: Dec. 2, 2021, 5:39 p.m.
Authors: Ebeling, Pia · Rohini Kumar · Musolff, Andreas
This data set provides geoinformation data, natural and anthropogenic characteristics of 1386 catchments across Germany as part of the QUADICA data set.
The attributes include information on topography, land cover, lithology, soils, climate, hydrology, population density and nutrient sources and heterogeneity.
The calculated catchment attributes base on various publicly available and published resources referenced in the metadata of this repository.
The data set from this repository combines the two existing CCDB repositories for the German catchments (Ebeling, 2021: https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.0fc1b5b1be4a475aacfd9545e72e6839; Ebeling & Dupas, 2021: https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.c7d4df3ba74647f0aa83ae92be2e294b).
A corresponding paper "Water quality, discharge and catchment attributes for large-sample studies in Germany - QUADICA" by Ebeling et al. describing the QUADICA data set in detail will be made available in the Journal Earth System Science Data (https://www.earth-system-science-data.net/).
This repository includes:
1.) Data table with catchment attributes
2.) Metadata with the description of each catchment attribute and references to original publications and data resources.
3.) Shapefile with delineated catchment polygons
4.) Shapefile with stations.
Water quality and quantity data, as well as meteorological and N surplus time series are available in the "QUADICA - water quality, discharge and catchment attributes for large-sample studies in Germany" repository (https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.26e8238f0be14fa1a49641cd8a455e29). All repositories use the same unique identifier OBJECTID for each water quality station.
Note: the stations do not always fall within the delineated catchments as the catchment outlets were adapted according the stream network and the topographic flow accumulation grid.
Conditions: Please, reference both the original data publisher and this repository/corresponding paper Ebeling et al. for credits, when using the provided data.

Created: June 21, 2022, 11:29 a.m.
Authors: Ebeling, Pia · Rohini Kumar · Michael Weber · Musolff, Andreas
This data set provides data of water quality, discharge, driving forces (meteorological and nitrogen surplus), and catchment attributes for a set of 1386 German catchments covering a wide range of natural and anthropogenic conditions.
Data on catchment attributes and geodata, which are also part of the QUADICA data set, are available at "CCDB - catchment characteristics data base Germany" (https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.88254bd930d1466c85992a7dea6947a4). The metadata of the underlying water quality and quantity data base is available at "WQQDB - water quality and quantity data base Germany" (https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.a42addcbd59a466a9aa56472dfef8721).
The data set is decribed in detail in a corresponding paper "Water quality, discharge and catchment attributes for large-sample studies in Germany - QUADICA" by Ebeling et al. (https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2022-6).
This repository includes:
1.) Water quality data as annual medians of observed concentration data of N, P and C species and discharge during sampling dates (c_annual.csv)
2.) Water quantity data as annual medians of observed discharge time series (q_annual.csv)
3.) Monthly medians and percentiles over the whole time series of water quality variables and discharge (c_months.csv)
4.) Monthly and annual median concentrations, flow-normalized concentrations, and mean fluxes estimated using Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) for stations with enough data availability (for details see the corresponding paper Ebeling et al.; wrtds_monthly.csv, wrtds_annual.csv).
5.) Meteorological data as monthly median average temperatures and sums of precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (tavg_monthly.csv, pre_monthly.csv, pet_monthly.csv)
6.) N surplus time series on annual basis (n_surplus.csv)
7.) Summary statistics for the stations including number of samples, covered time periods, degree of censoring (concentrations below the detection limit), outliers, availability of discharge data, and availability and performance of WRTDS models (metadata.csv).
8.) Description of all data tables (Metadata_QUADICA.pdf).
Conditions: The data set is freely and easily accessible. Please refer to the corresponding paper Ebeling et al. when using or referring to this data set. Note that the provided data were created with greatest care, but we cannot guarantee correctness of the data.

Created: June 22, 2022, 9:25 a.m.
Authors: Ebeling, Pia · Rohini Kumar · Musolff, Andreas
This data set provides geoinformation data, natural and anthropogenic characteristics of 1386 catchments across Germany as part of the QUADICA data set.
The attributes include information on topography, land cover, lithology, soils, climate, hydrology, population density and nutrient sources and heterogeneity. The calculated catchment attributes base on various publicly available and published resources referenced in the metadata of this repository. This repository combines the two existing CCDB repositories for the German catchments (Ebeling, 2021: https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.0fc1b5b1be4a475aacfd9545e72e6839; Ebeling & Dupas, 2021: https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.c7d4df3ba74647f0aa83ae92be2e294b).
The provided geoinformation includes the delineated catchments, stations and the data used for delineation.
The data set is decribed in detail in a corresponding paper "Water quality, discharge and catchment attributes for large-sample studies in Germany - QUADICA" by Ebeling et al. (https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2022-6).
This repository includes:
1.) Data table with catchment attributes
2.) Metadata with the description of each catchment attribute and references to original publications and data resources.
3.) GIS-data:
- Shapefile of delineated catchment polygons
- Shapefile of stations.
- Shapefile of modified station locations consistent with the flow accumulation raster using a 100m snapping distance.
- Shapefile of modified river network after manual adaptations used for burning into DEM
- Raster of DEM 100m
- Raster of flow direction used for catchment delineation
- Raster of flow accumulation
4.) Readme for further explanation of the included GIS data
Water quality and quantity data, as well as meteorological and N surplus time series are available in the "QUADICA - water quality, discharge and catchment attributes for large-sample studies in Germany" repository (https://doi.org/10.4211/hs.0ec5f43e43c349ff818a8d57699c0fe1). All repositories use the same unique identifier OBJECTID for each water quality station.
Note: the station locations (stations.shp) do not always fall within the delineated catchments as the catchment outlets were adapted (stations_mod.shp) according the stream network and the topographic flow accumulation grid.
Conditions: Please, reference both the original data publisher and this repository/corresponding paper Ebeling et al. for credits, when using the provided data. Note that the provided data were created with greatest care, but we cannot guarantee correctness of the data.