Susan Elise Estep

Brigham Young University | Graduate Student

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This video was created as an introduction to the resources created for the Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park Water Quality Research Group as part of a project for BYU's Hydroinformatics class Fall 2016.

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These are the templates provided on the World Water website (under 'Add Data') for uploading new data. You must login to see the 'Add Data' option.

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This script was created to download all sites and variables from the Yellowstone and Grand Teton World Water database into a single text file. This text file is intended to be formatted and used in the World Water Data Template (for Downloading) resource available to the Yellowstone and Grand Teton Water Quality Research Group.

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This template is used to generate tables for individual sites based on data retrieved from the Yellowstone and Grand Teton database hosted on BYU's World Water page (see the App resource in the Yellowstone and Grand Teton Water Quality Research Group). The template assumes the data has been downloaded using the provided Python script in the Yellowstone and Grand Teton Water Quality Research Group resources.

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Watershed delineated from DEM in WMS.

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All 5
Collection 0
Resource 4
App Connector 1
Resource Resource
Shapefile for San Juan - Pagosa Springs (PSP)
Created: Sept. 9, 2016, 3:58 p.m.
Authors: Susan Estep


Watershed delineated from DEM in WMS.

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Resource Resource
WorldWater Data Template (for Downloading)
Created: Dec. 5, 2016, 10:41 p.m.
Authors: Susan Estep


This template is used to generate tables for individual sites based on data retrieved from the Yellowstone and Grand Teton database hosted on BYU's World Water page (see the App resource in the Yellowstone and Grand Teton Water Quality Research Group). The template assumes the data has been downloaded using the provided Python script in the Yellowstone and Grand Teton Water Quality Research Group resources.

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Resource Resource


This script was created to download all sites and variables from the Yellowstone and Grand Teton World Water database into a single text file. This text file is intended to be formatted and used in the World Water Data Template (for Downloading) resource available to the Yellowstone and Grand Teton Water Quality Research Group.

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Resource Resource
World Water Upload Templates
Created: Dec. 5, 2016, 11 p.m.
Authors: Susan Estep


These are the templates provided on the World Water website (under 'Add Data') for uploading new data. You must login to see the 'Add Data' option.

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App Connector App Connector


This video was created as an introduction to the resources created for the Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park Water Quality Research Group as part of a project for BYU's Hydroinformatics class Fall 2016.

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