Sarah Newcomb

Idaho State University | Ph.D. Student

Subject Areas: Hydrology, STEM Education

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This resource contains ecohydrologic data collected within the North Fork of the Gibson Jack watershed, located in Pocatello, Idaho, USA in the northern Rocky Mountains. These datasets were collected to look at interactions between stream water and ecologic riparian processes. This ecohydrologic dataset includes stream water level, soil moisture, sap flow, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) for three study sites that span a range of observed groundwater conditions. Water level and water elevation were measured at three paired fully-screened stream well and partially screened piezometers using Onset U-20 water level loggers and corrected for barometric pressure. Water elevations in the wells and piezometers were used to calculate vertical head gradients (VHG) at each stream site using the methods outlined in Baxter et al., 2003. Soil moisture was measured 20 cm below ground level using METER GS3 soil moisture sensors. Sap Flow is the site-average sap flow from the three Dynamax Dynagage Heat Balance sensors deployed at each site. A U24 Onset Relative Humidity Sensor was used to record the relative humidity and temperature needed to calculate VPD.

This dataset was used to look at causal interactions between the ecohydrologic variables described above using Convergent Cross-Mapping (CCM). We ran the CCM analysis in R using the rEDM package (Park et al., 2022 -- We have included an R script (EcoHydroCCM.R) that gives an example of the parameters we used, as well as the workflow for running CCM with both the seasonality testing and lagged versions of CCM. For simplicity in this script, we provided the workflow by focusing on one interaction -- the interaction between sap flow and stream water level.

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Gibson Jack 2022 ecohydrology data
Created: March 10, 2023, 10:43 p.m.
Authors: Newcomb, Sarah · Godsey, Sarah


This resource contains ecohydrologic data collected within the North Fork of the Gibson Jack watershed, located in Pocatello, Idaho, USA in the northern Rocky Mountains. These datasets were collected to look at interactions between stream water and ecologic riparian processes. This ecohydrologic dataset includes stream water level, soil moisture, sap flow, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) for three study sites that span a range of observed groundwater conditions. Water level and water elevation were measured at three paired fully-screened stream well and partially screened piezometers using Onset U-20 water level loggers and corrected for barometric pressure. Water elevations in the wells and piezometers were used to calculate vertical head gradients (VHG) at each stream site using the methods outlined in Baxter et al., 2003. Soil moisture was measured 20 cm below ground level using METER GS3 soil moisture sensors. Sap Flow is the site-average sap flow from the three Dynamax Dynagage Heat Balance sensors deployed at each site. A U24 Onset Relative Humidity Sensor was used to record the relative humidity and temperature needed to calculate VPD.

This dataset was used to look at causal interactions between the ecohydrologic variables described above using Convergent Cross-Mapping (CCM). We ran the CCM analysis in R using the rEDM package (Park et al., 2022 -- We have included an R script (EcoHydroCCM.R) that gives an example of the parameters we used, as well as the workflow for running CCM with both the seasonality testing and lagged versions of CCM. For simplicity in this script, we provided the workflow by focusing on one interaction -- the interaction between sap flow and stream water level.

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