Colin Bell
City and County of Denver
Recent Activity
This resource contain flat text files of data in support of the manuscript "Stormwater control impacts on runoff volume and peak flow: A meta-analysis" currently under review in Hydrological Processes. The data files contain (1) a list of studies from which results were extracted to perform the meta-anlaysis, (2) a list of sites where the studies were performed (see figure 3 in the manuscript), (3) the extracted results used for runoff analysis (see Table 2 in the manuscript for a description), and (4) the extracted results used for peak flows analysis (see Table 2 in the manuscript for a description).
-------- SUMMARY ----------
Enclosed in this directory is observed data and model output from the manuscript: "Modeling runoff and nitrogen loads from a watershed at different levels of impervious surface coverage and connectivity to stormwater control measures" submitted to Water Resources Research in March 2018 by Colin Bell, Naomi Tauge, and Sara McMillan.
In each sub-directory, there is a metadata text file who's name starts with "metadata". These files explain the contents of the specific sub-directory in greater detail.
In addition to these metadata text files, please refer to the manuscript for more context.
Contact: Colin Bell -
Metadata Created: March 23, 2018
-------- SUMMARY ----------
-------- STRUCTURE ----------
The directory is structured:
1.0 ModelOutput
1.1 BD4_Watershed
1.1.1 ExperimentalSimulations_VaryUI
1.1.2 FlowCalibration
1.1.3 NitrogenValidatin
1.2 WP_Hillslope
1.1.1 ExperimentalSimulations_VaryUI_and_TI
2.0 ObservedData_Allan2013
2.1 DailyFlowData_BD4
2.2 MonthlyNitrogenLoad_BD4
-------- STRUCTURE ----------
-------- CONTENTS ----------
1.0 - ModelOutput
Houses all RHESSys model output files.
1.1 - BD4_Watershed
Houses model output from the watershed scale simulations
1.1.1 - ExperimentalSimulations_VaryUI
Model output for experimental simulations in which connectivity of impervious surface to SCMs was systematically varied. The variables in these files are explained in more depth in the metadata text file in this directory.
1.1.2 - FlowCalibration
Model output from the Monte Carlo simulations used to calibrated groundwater parameters. The variables in these files are explained in more depth in the metadata text file in this directory.
1.1.3 - NitrogenValidation
Model output used to validate simulated nitrogen fluxes relative to observed. The variables in these files are explained in more depth in the metadata text file in this directory.
1.2 - WP_Hillslope
Houses model output from the hillslope scale simulations
1.2.1 - ExperimentalSimulations_VaryUI_and_TI
Model output for experimental simulations in which the extent and connectivity of impervious surface to SCMs was systematically varied. The variables in these files are explained in more depth in the metadata text file in this directory.
2.0 - ObservedData_Allan2013
Houses data files of observed daily flow and nitrogen load supplied by Craig Allan of UNC Charlotte to calibrate and validate the watershed-scale model
2.1 - DailyFlowData_BD4
Observed discharge data, aggregate to a daily timestep, at the outlet of the BD4 watershed
2.2 - MonthlyNitrogenLoad_BD4
Observed nitrogen load data, aggregate to a monthly timestep, at the outlet of the BD4 watershed
-------- CONTENTS ----------
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Created: March 23, 2018, 7:04 p.m.
Authors: Colin Bell · Naomi (Christina) Tague · Sara McMillan
-------- SUMMARY ----------
Enclosed in this directory is observed data and model output from the manuscript: "Modeling runoff and nitrogen loads from a watershed at different levels of impervious surface coverage and connectivity to stormwater control measures" submitted to Water Resources Research in March 2018 by Colin Bell, Naomi Tauge, and Sara McMillan.
In each sub-directory, there is a metadata text file who's name starts with "metadata". These files explain the contents of the specific sub-directory in greater detail.
In addition to these metadata text files, please refer to the manuscript for more context.
Contact: Colin Bell -
Metadata Created: March 23, 2018
-------- SUMMARY ----------
-------- STRUCTURE ----------
The directory is structured:
1.0 ModelOutput
1.1 BD4_Watershed
1.1.1 ExperimentalSimulations_VaryUI
1.1.2 FlowCalibration
1.1.3 NitrogenValidatin
1.2 WP_Hillslope
1.1.1 ExperimentalSimulations_VaryUI_and_TI
2.0 ObservedData_Allan2013
2.1 DailyFlowData_BD4
2.2 MonthlyNitrogenLoad_BD4
-------- STRUCTURE ----------
-------- CONTENTS ----------
1.0 - ModelOutput
Houses all RHESSys model output files.
1.1 - BD4_Watershed
Houses model output from the watershed scale simulations
1.1.1 - ExperimentalSimulations_VaryUI
Model output for experimental simulations in which connectivity of impervious surface to SCMs was systematically varied. The variables in these files are explained in more depth in the metadata text file in this directory.
1.1.2 - FlowCalibration
Model output from the Monte Carlo simulations used to calibrated groundwater parameters. The variables in these files are explained in more depth in the metadata text file in this directory.
1.1.3 - NitrogenValidation
Model output used to validate simulated nitrogen fluxes relative to observed. The variables in these files are explained in more depth in the metadata text file in this directory.
1.2 - WP_Hillslope
Houses model output from the hillslope scale simulations
1.2.1 - ExperimentalSimulations_VaryUI_and_TI
Model output for experimental simulations in which the extent and connectivity of impervious surface to SCMs was systematically varied. The variables in these files are explained in more depth in the metadata text file in this directory.
2.0 - ObservedData_Allan2013
Houses data files of observed daily flow and nitrogen load supplied by Craig Allan of UNC Charlotte to calibrate and validate the watershed-scale model
2.1 - DailyFlowData_BD4
Observed discharge data, aggregate to a daily timestep, at the outlet of the BD4 watershed
2.2 - MonthlyNitrogenLoad_BD4
Observed nitrogen load data, aggregate to a monthly timestep, at the outlet of the BD4 watershed
-------- CONTENTS ----------

Created: Nov. 11, 2019, 8:49 p.m.
Authors: Bell, Colin · Jordyn Wolfand · Chelsea Panos · Aditi Bhaskar · Ryan Gilliom · Terri S. Hogue · Hopkins, Krissy · Anne Jefferson
This resource contain flat text files of data in support of the manuscript "Stormwater control impacts on runoff volume and peak flow: A meta-analysis" currently under review in Hydrological Processes. The data files contain (1) a list of studies from which results were extracted to perform the meta-anlaysis, (2) a list of sites where the studies were performed (see figure 3 in the manuscript), (3) the extracted results used for runoff analysis (see Table 2 in the manuscript for a description), and (4) the extracted results used for peak flows analysis (see Table 2 in the manuscript for a description).