Bakinam Tarik Essawy

University of Virginia | Research Associate

 Recent Activity


This study uses Dakota to create a sensitivity analysis for Evapotranspiration according to the change of input parameters using a SUMMA model for the Reynolds Mountain East catchment.

This study includes eight parameters to analyze the impact on Evapotranspiration.

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Sciunit package for Sensitivity Analysis for Evapotranspiration according to the change of input parameters in the Reynolds Mountain East catchment using pySUMMA.

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Water data is all colors
lecturing on repeat interrupted by silent contributions
it swings in highs and lows, blown by the
shifting hue of smokey sunsets on purple mountains
majestic along the x-axis of chaos.

Water data is all genders, exhausted by trying
to synthesize heterogeneous variables into a box
that does not yet exist
to hold the size of innovation we need now.

Water data is all discplines, escaping the corner
of language, behavior and standards;
it pulses like a community protecting
what we drink, serve our families, and share with friends.

Water data, black hole of massive minutia
searching for the glimmer that will spark
the Age of Aquarius to control the fires,
when the headscarf to beard ratio is m=1.
and where Y = scientific progress; X = participation, and the intercept=0.

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This resource contains the sciunit package for reproducing The total ET for the Ball Berry stomatal resistance methods from Clark et al., 2015:

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Summa model data

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All 15
Collection 1
Resource 13
App Connector 1
Resource Resource
Created: April 25, 2017, 5:15 p.m.
Authors: Bakinam Essawy


This model instance-type resource is the raw inputs dataset prepared for simulation of the shallow groundwater flow system of the James River watershed upstream of Richmond, Virginia (USA), using the MODFLOW-NWT model. The data are provided by Wesley Zell, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and are preliminary or provisional and are subject to revision. The data are being provided to meet the need for timely best science and are presented solely as an example for the workflow processes described in the paper (Essawy et al., In Revision). The data have not received final approval by the USGS and are provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the data.

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Resource Resource
Created: April 26, 2017, 5:59 p.m.
Authors: Richard Niswonger


This is the engine used for the MODFLOW-NWT

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App Connector App Connector
Created: June 12, 2017, 1:58 p.m.
Authors: Bakinam Essawy


This app is used to execute the scuint package for the MODFLOW-NWT model. During testing of the work, this app is linked to a deployed EC2 machine on AWS. Full instruction is provided at for how a user could deploy this on AWS to reproduce this work.

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Resource Resource
Created: June 12, 2017, 4:54 p.m.
Authors: Bakinam Essawy


This resource includes a packaged workflow created by the GeoTrust Sciunit-CLI tool. This workflow is used for preparing the input data for MODFLOW-NWT model and the Modflow-nwt model engine.

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Collection Collection
Created: June 14, 2017, 2:18 p.m.
Authors: Bakinam Essawy


This resource includes all the resources that were used in the online execution for the Modflow-NWT. This provides a local grouping of resources used for an analysis and allows the user to share or download this collection of resources more easily.

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Resource Resource
Created: June 15, 2017, 2:15 p.m.
Authors: Bakinam Essawy


This resource contains the prepared input data for the MODFLOW-NWT and the output from running the MODFLOW-NWT engine using the Sciunit-CLI tool. This resource is generated once user click "Open with" button from the resource that contains the raw data required to be processed to generate MODFLOW output. This resource is automatically created when the execution is done.

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Resource Resource
Created: June 19, 2017, 11:19 p.m.
Authors: Bakinam Essawy


Running the MODFLOW-NWT pre-processing script and model engine.

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Resource Resource
Created: Oct. 3, 2017, 8:32 p.m.
Authors: bakinam Essawy


This is a python script used to create the input data to the MODFLOW-NWT model engine.

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Resource Resource
Created: Oct. 24, 2017, 7:36 p.m.
Authors: bakinam Essawy


This resource includes a packaged workflow created by the GeoTrust Sciunit-CLI tool. This workflow is used for preparing the input data for MODFLOW-NWT model and the Modflow-nwt model engine.

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Resource Resource
SUMMA Singularity Container
Created: Feb. 28, 2018, 6:53 p.m.
Authors: Bart Nijssen


This is the first trial to convert SUMMA Docker container ( to Singularity. This conversion was done using docker2singularity ( to generate a Singularity image from a Docker image.

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Resource Resource
Created: June 5, 2018, 2:12 p.m.
Authors: Martyn Clark · Bart Nijssen · Jessica Lundquist


Summa model data

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Resource Resource
Created: June 22, 2018, 5:48 p.m.
Authors: Bakinam Essawy


This resource contains the sciunit package for reproducing The total ET for the Ball Berry stomatal resistance methods from Clark et al., 2015:

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Resource Resource
A Hydroinformatics poem for Bakinam Essawy
Created: Aug. 29, 2018, 6:58 p.m.
Authors: Christina Bandaragoda


Water data is all colors
lecturing on repeat interrupted by silent contributions
it swings in highs and lows, blown by the
shifting hue of smokey sunsets on purple mountains
majestic along the x-axis of chaos.

Water data is all genders, exhausted by trying
to synthesize heterogeneous variables into a box
that does not yet exist
to hold the size of innovation we need now.

Water data is all discplines, escaping the corner
of language, behavior and standards;
it pulses like a community protecting
what we drink, serve our families, and share with friends.

Water data, black hole of massive minutia
searching for the glimmer that will spark
the Age of Aquarius to control the fires,
when the headscarf to beard ratio is m=1.
and where Y = scientific progress; X = participation, and the intercept=0.

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Resource Resource
Created: Nov. 14, 2018, 2:51 p.m.
Authors: Bakinam Essawy


Sciunit package for Sensitivity Analysis for Evapotranspiration according to the change of input parameters in the Reynolds Mountain East catchment using pySUMMA.

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Resource Resource
Running SUMMA with Dakota
Created: March 26, 2019, 3:28 p.m.
Authors: Bakinam Tarik Essawy


This study uses Dakota to create a sensitivity analysis for Evapotranspiration according to the change of input parameters using a SUMMA model for the Reynolds Mountain East catchment.

This study includes eight parameters to analyze the impact on Evapotranspiration.

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