Kurtis Shawcroft

Brigham Young Univeristy

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I have updated this abstract to: this data displays the mean discharge rate of the Rio Grande River near Alamosa, Colorado. The data covers from February 1, 1994, to February 1, 1995. The drainage area for this site is 1,710 square miles. The gauge is maintained and operated by the USGS Colorado Water Science Center. This gauge is part of the Rio Grande River Basin which has been uploaded as a shapefile showing the boundary, along with a shapefile of the Rio Grande River as well. The final object added is a raster of the recorded precipitation in the Rio Grande River Basin.

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I have updated this abstract to: this data displays the mean discharge rate of the Rio Grande River near Alamosa, Colorado. The data covers from February 1, 1994, to February 1, 1995. The drainage area for this site is 1,710 square miles. The gauge is maintained and operated by the USGS Colorado Water Science Center. This gauge is part of the Rio Grande River Basin which has been uploaded as a shapefile showing the boundary, along with a shapefile of the Rio Grande River as well. The final object added is a raster of the recorded precipitation in the Rio Grande River Basin.

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