Bart Nijssen
University of Washington
Professor WOT
Subject Areas: | Surface water hydrology, climate change, hydrological models |
Recent Activity
This resource, configured for execution in connected JupyterHub compute platforms using the CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water (CJW) environment's supported High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources (Expanse or Virtual ROGER) through CyberGIS-Compute Service, helps the modelers to reproduce and build on the results from the VB study (Van Beusekom et al., 2022) as explained by Maghami et el. (2023).
For this purpose, four different Jupyter notebooks are developed and included in this resource which explore the paper goal for four example CAMELS site and a pre-selected period of 60-month simulation to demonstrate the capabilities of the notebooks. The first notebook processes the raw input data from CAMELS dataset to be used as input for SUMMA model. The second notebook utilizes the CJW environment's supported HPC resource (Expanse or Virtual ROGER) through CyberGIS-Compute Service to executes SUMMA model. This notebook uses the input data from first notebook using original and altered forcing, as per further described in the notebook. The third notebook utilizes the outputs from notebook 2 and visualizes the sensitivity of SUMMA model outputs using Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE). The fourth notebook, only developed for the HPC environment (and only currently working with Expanse HPC), enables transferring large data from HPC to the scientific cloud service (i.e., CJW) using Globus service integrated by CyberGIS-Compute in a reliable, high-performance and fast way. More information about each Jupyter notebook and a step-by-step instructions on how to run the notebooks can be found in the fie included in this resource. Using these four notebooks, modelers can apply the methodology mentioned above to any (one to all) of the 671 CAMELS basins and simulation periods of their choice. As this resource uses HPC, it enables a high-speed running of simulations which makes it suitable for larger simulations (even as large as the entire 671 CAMELS sites and the whole 60-month simulation period used in the paper) practical and much faster than when no HPC is used.
This resource, configured for execution in connected JupyterHub compute platforms, helps the modelers to reproduce and build on the results from the VB study (Van Beusekom et al., 2022) as explained by Maghami et el. (2023). For this purpose, three different Jupyter notebooks are developed and included in this resource which explore the paper goal for one example CAMELS site and a pre-selected period of 60-month actual simulation to demonstrate the capabilities of the notebooks. For even a faster assesment of the capabilities of the notebooks, users are recommended to opt for a shorter simulation period (e.g., 12 months of actual simulation and six months of initialization) and one example CAMELS site. The first notebook processes the raw input data from CAMELS dataset to be used as input for SUMMA model. The second notebook executes SUMMA model using the input data from first notebook using original and altered forcing, as per further described in the notebook. Finally, the third notebook utilizes the outputs from notebook 2 and visualizes the sensitivity of SUMMA model outputs using Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE). More information about each Jupyter notebook and a step-by-step instructions on how to run the notebooks can be found in the fie included in this resource. Using these three notebooks, modelers can apply the methodology mentioned above to any (one to all) of the 671 CAMELS basins and simulation periods of their choice.
The overall goal of this collection is to use the basic strategy and architecture presented by Choi et al. (2021) to make components of a modern and complex hydrologic modeling study (VB study; Van Beusekom et al., 2022) easier to reproduce. The design and implemention of the developed cyberinfrastructure to achieve this goal are fully explained by Maghami et al. (2023).
In VB study, hydrological outputs from the SUMMA model for the 671 CAMELS catchments across the contiguous United States (CONUS) and a 60-month actual simulation period are investigated to understand their dependence on input forcing behavior across CONUS. VB study layes out a simple methodology that can be applied to understand the relative importance of seven model forcings (precipitation rate, air temperature, longwave radiation, specific humidity, shortwave radiation, wind speed, and air pressure).
Choi et al. (2021) integrated three components through seamless data transfers for a reproducible research: (1) online data and model repositories; (2) computational environments leveraging containerization and self-documented computational notebooks; and (3) Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that provide programmatic control of complex computational models.
Therefore, Maghami et al. (2023), integrated the following three components through seamless data transfers to make components of a modern and complex hydrologic study (VB study) easier to reproduce:
(1) HydroShare as online data and model repository;
(2) CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water for self-documented computational notebooks as computational environment (with and without HPC notebooks);
(3) pySUMMA as Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that provide programmatic control of complex computational models.
This collection includes three resources:
1- First resource, provides the entire NLDAS forcing datasets used in the VB study.
2- Second resource provides an end-to-end workflow of CAMELS basin modeling with SUMMA for the paper simulations configured for execution in connected JupyterHub compute platforms. This resource is well-suited for a smaller scale exploration: it is preconfigured to explore one example CAMELS site and a period of 60-month actual simulation to demonstrate the capabilities of the notebooks. Users still can change the CAMELS site, the number of sites being explored or even the simulation period. To quickly assess the capabilities of the notebooks in this resource, we even recommend running an actual simulation period as short as 12 months.
3- Third resource, however, uses HPC (High-Performance Computing) through CyberGIS Computing Service. The HPC enables a high-speed running of simulations which makes it suitable for running larger simulations (even as large as the entire 671 CAMELS sites and the whole 60-month actual simulation period used in the VB study) practical and much faster than the second resource. This resource is preconfigured to explore four example CAMELS site and a period of 60-month actual simulation to only demonstrate the capabilities of the notebooks. Users still can change the CAMELS sites, the number of sites being explored or even the simulation period.
Greater details can be found in each resource.
This contains a sample dataset for the bmorph streamflow bias correction software package.
This resource, configured for execution in connected JupyterHub compute platforms, helps the modelers to reproduce and build on the results from the paper (Van Beusekom et al., 2021). For this purpose, three different Jupyter notebooks are developed and included in this resource which explore the paper goal for one example CAMELS site and a pre-selected period of 18-month simulation to demonstrate the capabilities of the notebooks. The first notebook processes the raw input data from CAMELS dataset to be used as input for SUMMA model. The second notebook executes SUMMA model using the input data from first notebook using original and altered forcing, as per further described in the notebook. Finally, the third notebook utilizes the outputs from notebook 2 and visualizes the sensitivity of SUMMA model outputs using Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE). More information about each Jupyter notebook and a step-by-step instructions on how to run the notebooks can be found in the fie included in this resource. Using these three notebooks, modelers can apply the methodology mentioned above to any (one to all) of the 671 CAMELS basins and simulation periods of their choice.
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The HydroShare Web App provides easy access to a containerized version of SUMMA as part of the NSF-funded Pangeo project. Pangeo uses docker images that contain SUMMA and pysumma and that allow SUMMA to be run from within Jupyter notebooks. The Pangeo instance enables SUMMA to be used in commercial cloud environments as well as for graduate education. [ Link to snow modeling course taught by Dr. Jessica Lundquist at the University of Washington as part of CUAHSI’s Virtual University in (Fall 2018; Fall 2019: Snow Hydrology and Modeling). Link to graduate course taught by Bart Nijssen at the University of Washington in Spring 2019 (CEWA 564 Advanced Hydrology).]

Created: Aug. 27, 2019, 2:18 p.m.
Authors: Nijssen, Bart · Diana Gergel
Climate change, forecasting, satellite datasets, large model ensembles ... Large gridded datasets are everywhere in hydrology and earth science. While accessing and analyzing these datasets required some serious programming skills not so long ago, a number of toolkits are now available that let you easily access, ingest, analyze and display gridded climate datasets. In this webinar we’ll discuss one of the most common file formats used in our field for large data sets, the Network Common Data Format (NetCDF), and step through a Jupyter notebook to showcase python packages, such as xarray and cartopy, that can be used to examine them. No prior experience required, although we will build on some of the skills you have acquired in earlier webinars in the series.

Created: Nov. 4, 2020, 8:57 p.m.
Authors: Naoki Mizukami · Wood, Andrew
This resource was created using CAMELS ( `TIME SERIES NLDAS forced model output` from 1980 to 2018.
The original NLDAS (North American Land Data Assimilation System) hourly forcing data was created by NOAA by 0.125 x 0.125 degree grid.
Through creating CAMELS datasets, hourly forcing data were reaggregated to 671 basins in the USA.
In this study, we merged all CAMELS forcing data into one NetCDF file to take advantage of OPeNDAP ( in HydroShare.
Currently, using SUMMA CAMELS notebooks (, we can extract forcing data to simulate SUMMA in the particular basins in 671 basins of CAMELS datasets.

Created: Jan. 2, 2021, 2:59 p.m.
Authors: Choi, Young-Don
These are example application notebooks to simulate SUMMA using CAMELS datasets.
There are three steps: (STEP-1) Create SUMMA input, (STEP-2) Execute SUMMA, (STEP-3) Visualize SUMMA output
Based on this example, users can change the HRU ID and simulation periods to analyze 671 basins in CAMELS datasets.
(STEP-1) A_1_camels_make_input.ipynb
- The first notebook creates SUMMA input using Camels dataset using `` in this resource and OpenDAP(
(STEP-2) B_1_camels_pysumma_default_prob.ipynb, B_2_camels_pysumma_lhs_prob.ipynb, B_3_camels_pysumma_config_prob.ipynb, and
- These four notebooks execute SUMMA considering four different parameters and parameterization combinations
(STEP-3) C_1_camels_analyze_output_default_prob.ipynb, C_2_camels_analyze_output_lhs_prob.ipynb, C_3_camels_analyze_output_config_prob.ipynb,
- The final four notebooks visualize SUMMA output of B-1, B-2, B-3, and B-4 notebooks.

Created: Jan. 14, 2021, 4:02 a.m.
Authors: Choi, Young-Don
SUMMA Simulation in MERCED R A HAPPY ISLES BRIDGE NR YOSEMITE CA using Camels Datasets in on CyberGIS Jupyter for water
There are three Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate SUMMA Simulations
1. Create SUMMA input using Camels dataset via this HS resource and OpenDAP(
2. Execute SUMMA using pySUMMA
3. Plot SUMMA output

Created: Feb. 22, 2021, 7:34 p.m.
Authors: Choi, Young-Don
This notebook is created to support SUMMA general application workflows using CAMELS forcing, watershed attributes, and streamflow observation.
CAMELS datasets cover 671 basins across the USA, so users can apply SUMMA models in 671 basins.

Created: March 4, 2021, 5:49 p.m.
Authors: Choi, Young-Don · Van Beusekom, Ashley · Li, Zhiyu (Drew) · Nijssen, Bart · Hay, Lauren · Bennett, Andrew · Tarboton, David · Maghami, Iman · Goodall, Jonathan · Clark, Martyn P.
This resource, configured for execution in connected JupyterHub compute platforms, helps the modelers to reproduce and build on the results from the paper (Van Beusekom et al., 2021). For this purpose, three different Jupyter notebooks are developed and included in this resource which explore the paper goal for one example CAMELS site and a pre-selected period of 18-month simulation to demonstrate the capabilities of the notebooks. The first notebook processes the raw input data from CAMELS dataset to be used as input for SUMMA model. The second notebook executes SUMMA model using the input data from first notebook using original and altered forcing, as per further described in the notebook. Finally, the third notebook utilizes the outputs from notebook 2 and visualizes the sensitivity of SUMMA model outputs using Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE). More information about each Jupyter notebook and a step-by-step instructions on how to run the notebooks can be found in the fie included in this resource. Using these three notebooks, modelers can apply the methodology mentioned above to any (one to all) of the 671 CAMELS basins and simulation periods of their choice.

Created: March 24, 2021, 9:45 p.m.
Authors: Bennett, Andrew · Nijssen, Bart · Stein, Adi
This contains a sample dataset for the bmorph streamflow bias correction software package.

Created: April 6, 2021, 3:10 a.m.
Authors: Choi, Young-Don · Maghami, Iman · Van Beusekom, Ashley · Li, Zhiyu/Drew · Nijssen, Bart · Hay, Lauren · Bennett, Andrew · Tarboton, David · Goodall, Jonathan · Clark, Martyn P. · Wang, Shaowen
The overall goal of this collection is to use the basic strategy and architecture presented by Choi et al. (2021) to make components of a modern and complex hydrologic modeling study (VB study; Van Beusekom et al., 2022) easier to reproduce. The design and implemention of the developed cyberinfrastructure to achieve this goal are fully explained by Maghami et al. (2023).
In VB study, hydrological outputs from the SUMMA model for the 671 CAMELS catchments across the contiguous United States (CONUS) and a 60-month actual simulation period are investigated to understand their dependence on input forcing behavior across CONUS. VB study layes out a simple methodology that can be applied to understand the relative importance of seven model forcings (precipitation rate, air temperature, longwave radiation, specific humidity, shortwave radiation, wind speed, and air pressure).
Choi et al. (2021) integrated three components through seamless data transfers for a reproducible research: (1) online data and model repositories; (2) computational environments leveraging containerization and self-documented computational notebooks; and (3) Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that provide programmatic control of complex computational models.
Therefore, Maghami et al. (2023), integrated the following three components through seamless data transfers to make components of a modern and complex hydrologic study (VB study) easier to reproduce:
(1) HydroShare as online data and model repository;
(2) CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water for self-documented computational notebooks as computational environment (with and without HPC notebooks);
(3) pySUMMA as Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that provide programmatic control of complex computational models.
This collection includes three resources:
1- First resource, provides the entire NLDAS forcing datasets used in the VB study.
2- Second resource provides an end-to-end workflow of CAMELS basin modeling with SUMMA for the paper simulations configured for execution in connected JupyterHub compute platforms. This resource is well-suited for a smaller scale exploration: it is preconfigured to explore one example CAMELS site and a period of 60-month actual simulation to demonstrate the capabilities of the notebooks. Users still can change the CAMELS site, the number of sites being explored or even the simulation period. To quickly assess the capabilities of the notebooks in this resource, we even recommend running an actual simulation period as short as 12 months.
3- Third resource, however, uses HPC (High-Performance Computing) through CyberGIS Computing Service. The HPC enables a high-speed running of simulations which makes it suitable for running larger simulations (even as large as the entire 671 CAMELS sites and the whole 60-month actual simulation period used in the VB study) practical and much faster than the second resource. This resource is preconfigured to explore four example CAMELS site and a period of 60-month actual simulation to only demonstrate the capabilities of the notebooks. Users still can change the CAMELS sites, the number of sites being explored or even the simulation period.
Greater details can be found in each resource.

Created: May 20, 2021, 12:35 a.m.
Authors: Choi, Young-Don · Maghami, Iman · Van Beusekom, Ashley · Li, Zhiyu/Drew · Nijssen, Bart · Hay, Lauren · Bennett, Andrew · Tarboton, David · Goodall, Jonathan · Clark, Martyn P. · Wang, Shaowen
This resource, configured for execution in connected JupyterHub compute platforms, helps the modelers to reproduce and build on the results from the VB study (Van Beusekom et al., 2022) as explained by Maghami et el. (2023). For this purpose, three different Jupyter notebooks are developed and included in this resource which explore the paper goal for one example CAMELS site and a pre-selected period of 60-month actual simulation to demonstrate the capabilities of the notebooks. For even a faster assesment of the capabilities of the notebooks, users are recommended to opt for a shorter simulation period (e.g., 12 months of actual simulation and six months of initialization) and one example CAMELS site. The first notebook processes the raw input data from CAMELS dataset to be used as input for SUMMA model. The second notebook executes SUMMA model using the input data from first notebook using original and altered forcing, as per further described in the notebook. Finally, the third notebook utilizes the outputs from notebook 2 and visualizes the sensitivity of SUMMA model outputs using Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE). More information about each Jupyter notebook and a step-by-step instructions on how to run the notebooks can be found in the fie included in this resource. Using these three notebooks, modelers can apply the methodology mentioned above to any (one to all) of the 671 CAMELS basins and simulation periods of their choice.

Created: May 20, 2021, 12:35 a.m.
Authors: Choi, Young-Don · Maghami, Iman · Van Beusekom, Ashley · Li, Zhiyu/Drew · Nijssen, Bart · Hay, Lauren · Bennett, Andrew · Tarboton, David · Goodall, Jonathan · Clark, Martyn P. · Wang, Shaowen
This resource, configured for execution in connected JupyterHub compute platforms using the CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water (CJW) environment's supported High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources (Expanse or Virtual ROGER) through CyberGIS-Compute Service, helps the modelers to reproduce and build on the results from the VB study (Van Beusekom et al., 2022) as explained by Maghami et el. (2023).
For this purpose, four different Jupyter notebooks are developed and included in this resource which explore the paper goal for four example CAMELS site and a pre-selected period of 60-month simulation to demonstrate the capabilities of the notebooks. The first notebook processes the raw input data from CAMELS dataset to be used as input for SUMMA model. The second notebook utilizes the CJW environment's supported HPC resource (Expanse or Virtual ROGER) through CyberGIS-Compute Service to executes SUMMA model. This notebook uses the input data from first notebook using original and altered forcing, as per further described in the notebook. The third notebook utilizes the outputs from notebook 2 and visualizes the sensitivity of SUMMA model outputs using Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE). The fourth notebook, only developed for the HPC environment (and only currently working with Expanse HPC), enables transferring large data from HPC to the scientific cloud service (i.e., CJW) using Globus service integrated by CyberGIS-Compute in a reliable, high-performance and fast way. More information about each Jupyter notebook and a step-by-step instructions on how to run the notebooks can be found in the fie included in this resource. Using these four notebooks, modelers can apply the methodology mentioned above to any (one to all) of the 671 CAMELS basins and simulation periods of their choice. As this resource uses HPC, it enables a high-speed running of simulations which makes it suitable for larger simulations (even as large as the entire 671 CAMELS sites and the whole 60-month simulation period used in the paper) practical and much faster than when no HPC is used.