Anne Lightbody

University of New Hampshire

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This resource was developed as part of a HydroLearn module of the same name. It is divided into 3 sections that correspond to their respective units in the learning module. The first, Data_Analysis, uses a Jupyter notebook and historical USGS and NOAA data (uploaded by the user) to estimate evapotranspiration using a water balance approach for a small undisturbed watershed and display annual seasonality of precipitation and streamflow. The next, RHESSys_Model introduces the user to RHESSys, an ecohydrologic model, and uses it to conduct a simple sensitivity analysis in the JupyterHub environment. The last, Model_Eval, uses a Jupyter notebook to evaluate RHESSys model output of streamflow in Sagehen Creek against observed streamflow analyzed in the first unit.

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This resource was developed as part of a HydroLearn module of the same name. It is divided into 3 sections that correspond to their respective units in the learning module. The first, Data_Analysis, uses a Jupyter notebook and historical USGS and NOAA data (uploaded by the user) to estimate evapotranspiration using a water balance approach for a small undisturbed watershed and display annual seasonality of precipitation and streamflow. The next, RHESSys_Model introduces the user to RHESSys, an ecohydrologic model, and uses it to conduct a simple sensitivity analysis in the JupyterHub environment. The last, Model_Eval, uses a Jupyter notebook to evaluate RHESSys model output of streamflow in Sagehen Creek against observed streamflow analyzed in the first unit.

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