Louis Graup
University of California Santa Barbara
PhD Student
Subject Areas: | Ecohydrology, Environmental Modeling, Resource Management |
Recent Activity
This resource contains RHESSys model output data from virtual thinning experiments in Sagehen Creek Experimental Forest, Sierra Nevada, CA, produced for the CA Wildlife Conservation Board. The model domain is the experimental hillslope, which allows for subsurface lateral redistribution of upslope water subsidies from thinning. Each thinning scenario is a 15-year simulation varying climate, ecophysiological parameter uncertainty, topographic aspect and elevation, as well as treatment strategies. We primarily consider the effect of thinning intensity, location, and frequency. We simulate a low- and high-intensity treatment by removing 30 or 60% canopy cover, respectively. We vary location by thinning only upslope areas, only riparian areas, or both upslope and riparian areas. The control scenario is an untreated forest. These results are in files dated 91322, "thinwyb" for basin output, "thinwyz" for zone output, "thinwys" for stratum output. We also run a single treatment scenario (30% thinning on S-facing, low-elevation hillslope in both locations) over 50 years and vary thinning frequency to consider interactions between long-term climate, vegetation regrowth, and water yield. The long-term data set is thinwybres102522.csv, just basin output.
This dataset is provided for the Bren MEDS capstone project, "Understanding Climate Change’s Impact on the Forest Ecosystem: Developing a Reproducible Machine Learning Approach to Ecohydrologic Model Outputs." The data describes RHESSys (Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System) model output for the Sagehen Creek Experimental Watershed in the Sierra Nevada, CA, incorporating model parameter uncertainty, topographic spatial variability, and climate change effects. Specific outputs include daily indicators of forest ecosystem health for multiple stands along a topographic gradient.
This resource contains the data associated with the paper "Will riparian refugia be destabilized by snow drought?" This dataset describes upslope-riparian forest dynamics during different drought types over climate and parameter uncertainty from the RHESSys ecohydrologic model.
This resource was developed as part of a HydroLearn module of the same name. It is divided into 3 sections that correspond to their respective units in the learning module. The first, Data_Analysis, uses a Jupyter notebook and historical USGS and NOAA data (uploaded by the user) to estimate evapotranspiration using a water balance approach for a small undisturbed watershed and display annual seasonality of precipitation and streamflow. The next, RHESSys_Model introduces the user to RHESSys, an ecohydrologic model, and uses it to conduct a simple sensitivity analysis in the JupyterHub environment. The last, Model_Eval, uses a Jupyter notebook to evaluate RHESSys model output of streamflow in Sagehen Creek against observed streamflow analyzed in the first unit.
This Hydroshare resource aligns with the HydroLearn module "Modelling Watershed Sensitivity to Drought". The Jupyter notebook steps users through a RHESSys implementation to obtain model output and conduct simple sensitivity analysis.
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Created: July 15, 2021, 5:07 p.m.
Authors: Graup, Louis
This Hydroshare resource aligns with the HydroLearn module "Modelling Watershed Sensitivity to Drought". The Jupyter notebook steps users through a RHESSys implementation to obtain model output and conduct simple sensitivity analysis.

Created: July 19, 2021, 5:37 p.m.
Authors: Lightbody, Anne · Tamaddun, Kazi · Graup, Louis
This resource was developed as part of a HydroLearn module of the same name. It is divided into 3 sections that correspond to their respective units in the learning module. The first, Data_Analysis, uses a Jupyter notebook and historical USGS and NOAA data (uploaded by the user) to estimate evapotranspiration using a water balance approach for a small undisturbed watershed and display annual seasonality of precipitation and streamflow. The next, RHESSys_Model introduces the user to RHESSys, an ecohydrologic model, and uses it to conduct a simple sensitivity analysis in the JupyterHub environment. The last, Model_Eval, uses a Jupyter notebook to evaluate RHESSys model output of streamflow in Sagehen Creek against observed streamflow analyzed in the first unit.

Created: Oct. 8, 2021, 7:21 p.m.
Authors: Graup, Louis
This resource contains the data associated with the paper "Will riparian refugia be destabilized by snow drought?" This dataset describes upslope-riparian forest dynamics during different drought types over climate and parameter uncertainty from the RHESSys ecohydrologic model.

Created: Jan. 10, 2022, 2:32 p.m.
Authors: Graup, Louis
This dataset is provided for the Bren MEDS capstone project, "Understanding Climate Change’s Impact on the Forest Ecosystem: Developing a Reproducible Machine Learning Approach to Ecohydrologic Model Outputs." The data describes RHESSys (Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System) model output for the Sagehen Creek Experimental Watershed in the Sierra Nevada, CA, incorporating model parameter uncertainty, topographic spatial variability, and climate change effects. Specific outputs include daily indicators of forest ecosystem health for multiple stands along a topographic gradient.

This resource contains RHESSys model output data from virtual thinning experiments in Sagehen Creek Experimental Forest, Sierra Nevada, CA, produced for the CA Wildlife Conservation Board. The model domain is the experimental hillslope, which allows for subsurface lateral redistribution of upslope water subsidies from thinning. Each thinning scenario is a 15-year simulation varying climate, ecophysiological parameter uncertainty, topographic aspect and elevation, as well as treatment strategies. We primarily consider the effect of thinning intensity, location, and frequency. We simulate a low- and high-intensity treatment by removing 30 or 60% canopy cover, respectively. We vary location by thinning only upslope areas, only riparian areas, or both upslope and riparian areas. The control scenario is an untreated forest. These results are in files dated 91322, "thinwyb" for basin output, "thinwyz" for zone output, "thinwys" for stratum output. We also run a single treatment scenario (30% thinning on S-facing, low-elevation hillslope in both locations) over 50 years and vary thinning frequency to consider interactions between long-term climate, vegetation regrowth, and water yield. The long-term data set is thinwybres102522.csv, just basin output.